𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒻𝑜𝓊𝓇

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Regina was still not over about the fact that Saeed annoyed her.
The whole night she told me about his wife and how no one ever met her but he kept talking about her. But the main point about him was probably his religious faith .

,,Harper wake up"
,,wait a second I beg you"
,,no i have an important meeting and you shall wake up"


,,by the willing of God I'm not trying to offend you  but what religious faith does Saeed have that you displease it so much"

Regina said noting she just continued walking, it took a bit till Regina finally looked out for me and explained „any off these people just"
Just then she got cut off form an beautiful voice
I couldn't stay focused till i noticed that it was Saeed speaking .oh god this can't be true

,,regina, ο αρχηγός θέλει να σου μιλήσει
(Regina the leader wishes to speak to you)
„τι του είπες?"
(What did you tell him?")
„Well It was A pleasure to see you Harper I wish you the best" he said smiling gently while ignoring Regina completely.
I just smiled back not knowing what you should Say towards this kind of an statement
After he went away I just looked at Regina
„Yes Regina?"
„He's married"
„I know"
„I hope you do"
„let's go ahead we have to meet the Leader before I have to continue my meeting"
The moment We arrived at the leaders basement I noticed Regina's hand shaking that was Unexpectedly. I have to be honest for myself I had no Idea what to do in this moment so I just took her Hand, Regina smiled softly which made me sigh in relive.
The Moment she opened the door I understood why She was so afraid

The Moment she opened the door I understood why She was so afraid

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