𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑒

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No one's POV.

The moment Rob cut off the empresses hand he felt so powerful, sadly that didn't last for to long just a few moments later a dragon arrived, not only a dragon but Her Dragon.
„Good job Saeed." Regina mumbled in sarcasm.

„Regina!" Harper almost yelled out but managed to lower her voice.
Harper did not notice when Regina arrived she was to focused on Rob, and that's someting Regina knew deeply inside her heart. And Harper knew that as well.
„Fuck this. Saeed back me up and protect Harper!" Rob yelled before he attacked the empress.

The two of them were fighting on the end of the completely damaged Castle. Non of them lost there balance, never coming close to stumbling. And by now everyone around them could tell that The Empress completely underestimated Rob. It was a Fair swords fight  on both sides.

Two Powerful people fighting against each other  instead of fight for each other.

The Empress had more protection than Rob could ever dream of. She was in full armor even her face was behind it. They couldn't even see her eyes.
Eyes can tell so much about a Persons feelings. But not with her they couldn't even imagine how she looked like.

But you could see Rob, everyone could.
His eyes were glowing knowing that he's protecting Harper and the others by this fight.
This was his moment and he knew it.

„May I ask why you don't show your face? Your Highness?" Rob said while smirking.
But nothing came Form her no comment at all she wasn't even willing to tell him to go to hell.
„I heard a story about you, your grace" he continued, „that your dragon wanted to burn you alive since he did not want to recognise you as the new empress."

No emotion. Nothing.
Till she moved her head towards her dragon.

κάψτε τα
(Burn them)
The dragon then started to burn down parts of the already shredded Castle. But it's noticeable that only the last ways out got burned down. Leaving everyone who was still in there to die, as the empress flew of with her dragon.

„Fucking Whore" Rob Groaned.
Harper started to panic a bit trying to find a way out. But not for herself she was mostly worried about Saeed who was still loosing blood.
„Harper stop this" Rob ran towards her picked her up and looked at her not even wanting to look at anyone else. But now was not the time so he turned back now he was the one trying to find something .

The moment Rob went away Regina came towards harper.
„Your loosing blood" she said with a quite serious tone holding her hand trying to hide the pain she feels there.
„What is it have you broken a bone?" harper was now truly worried.
Before Regina could say something
Saeed yelled „Rob stop this shit. There is no way out we have to jump."
Everything was quite, Everyone was quite
But by only looking at each other they all agreed that this was the only way.

Rob took Harper on his chest making sure that the moment they land she falls on him and doesn't hurt herself. Harper tried to refuse it, but he insisted to it deeply with all his heart.

They all fell from there at the same time
Before they could even reach the end, they passed out through their injuries.

For their luck they were found before the died. They got sent back to Monastary.

Saeed felt like he died there. He could feel his eyes opening again, looking directly at the eyes of the person he loved the most in his life.

„Are you feeling better My love?" she asked him
„Khadija." he managed himself to say. She smiled at him
„Your friends are already awake.. and right beside us"
„They are not my friends" Saeed spoke hoping that they hear it.

„That is an awful thing to say after all we have been through!" Rob said in an joking undertone.
Harper was already Super energetic which made Saeed worry.
„Harper. Sit down your gonna die."
Harper looked at him.
„Your so ugly. Look at you wife she created the word beauty."
Khadija had an loving smile on her face as she tried to fix her hijab.
„Alright I will be right back I just need to find some more leaves for your medicine, and I need to find a book." she said then, Saeed begged her if he could go with her after a few minutes she then agreed.

Now there were three of them.

Harper was on Robs bed holding his hand,
„You were amazing. You looked so fearless"
She complimented him he smiled being proud.
But then our of nowhere Rob started to whisper in Harpers ear.
„Go to Regina for a bit, I'm afraid that she's still in pain." he said with an unusual serious tone. But Harper went up and looked out for her friend.

„Regina" Harper always said her name with such an soft und gentle tone.
„Harper how are you? Are you still in pain?"
„No no dear I feel very well are you alright?"
Harper asked her.
Regina looked at her broken hand, knowing that she won't be able to fight the next War.
„Regina Dear, you can speak to me is there something troubling you?"
„Harper, I am not in the mood to talk. I apologize but I just can't right now."
Harper nodded in response feeling guilty about it.

The moment she laid down besides Rob Khadija and Saeed came back.
„Let me do this really quick and then you will feel much better" Khadija muttered.

As Harper notices the book on the shelf she couldn't help herself but open it.

Khadija smiled at her exposing that the book is about Medicine and how it works.
Harper stood there Ignoring all of her words.
Aggressively going though every single page.

Aggressively going though every single page

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