Meeting You....

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A/N: Here is the new story, I hope you guys like it! I will try to post each chapter every Sunday and Wednesday at 8pm Eastern time. But if something prevents me from doing so I will send out a message ahead of time to let you guys know! I proof read it but I may have missed some mistakes, so you all have been warned! Lolx but um yeah, I hope you all like it.

::Vanessa's P.O.V:: 


"Vanessa why can't you be more like your sister!?" My father yelled, the words stung as I bit the inside of my bottom lip, "and quit bitin your lip! Ya sista neva did that!" I closed my eyes, holding back my tears. I stopped biting my lip but kept my eyes closed. "Open your eyes Vanessa!" He yelled "and go get me another beer!" I did as I was told and came back with a beer and handed it to him, he looked at me as if I had done something terribly wrong. "Your sister always opened them before she gave them to me" he stated, I looked down at my feet "I-I don't know how to open a beer" I said quietly.

He sighed in frustration "gosh! Why can't you be more like your sister?" "Because I'm not her..." I mumbled. He suddenly slapped me, I let out a pitiful cry of pain and held my hand to my cheek "you know what just go upstairs. I never had to do this to your sister, why can't you be-" I cut him off "I know I know 'more like your sister?'" I turned around and walked up the stairs and into my room and shut the door.

I let the tears slip as I laid down on my bed and grabbed my diary and my favorite pen. I slowly opened the book to a fresh blank page and began to write;

Dear Diary, 

Everyone wants me to be more like my sister, Naomi. How am I supposed to do that? Trust me I try, I try so, so hard.... But it just doesn't seem right. I tried so many things; I dyed my hair, I wear colored contacts, I wear make up, and I dress differently but it's just not enough. Truth is I don't wanna be like my sister, I don't wanna end up like her..... People know what happened to her but yet they still want me to dress, act, and speak Just. Like. Her.

I just don't know what to do anymore, I just want someone to like me for me, the color of my hair, my eyes, and my skin. I just want to meet that special person...... I just need to meet that special person..... But the thing is I don't know if they're really out there. If they are, then I need to meet them fast because I really am about to give up..... 



I closed the book and sighed and wiped my tears away, "damn it Vanessa" I said to myself aloud "Naomi almost never cried like this..... Why can't you just be more like her?" I suddenly heard a tap at my window. I looked up and saw my best friend, Aaliyah smiling at me but her smile slowly disappeared when she noticed my tear streaked face. I walked over to my window and let her in, I watched as she climbed into my room and looked at me. I could tell she already knew, "more like your sister?" She whispered I nodded and quietly said back "more like my sister".

::End Flashback::

That was the old me, I quit that sister shit a long time ago.... Atleast I think I did....

I sat at my desk in my English class and propped my foot up on the empty desk in front of me. My teacher, Mr. Johnson, gave me a disapproving look, he put down the book he had in his hand and gave me his full attention. "Vanessa?" I raised my eyebrows and said coldly "what?" "Naomi..." I felt myself tense up just by the sound of her name "never did that.... Why can't you be-" I cut him off and narrowed my eyes "don't you dare say it. Don't you dare fucking say it" I said firmly.

Aaliyah looked at me then at Mr. Johnson and said "I wouldn't say it if I were you" he frowned at her and she shrugged "hey I'm just tryna help you out Teach". I shook my head a little and watched as Mr. Johnson went back to teaching "just don't fucking say it" I muttered.

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