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::Vanessa's P.O.V::

After a few days of I guess you could say normalcy I got a call from Kaisey's daycare. "Hello?" I asked "hi Vanessa, when you come by to pick up Kaisey Mrs. Kimberly wants to talk to you, I just though if let you know before you got here" it was Alexa "do you know what about?" I asked "hmm nope" "oh well thanks, I should be there soon, I just got out of school so" "oh alright bye" "bye" I hung up the phone and made my way to the daycare.

When I got there I walked in, said hi to Alexa then went to Mrs. Kimberly's room. Which is where I found Kaisey playing with her bear, I had allowed her to bring him with her. "Oh Vanessa you're here, I must talk to you" I smiled a little "I know Alexa told me, what is it that you want to talk about?" I asked. "Kaisey, she's five now..." I nodded "and is old enough for elementary school now, and I think she should go. She's very smart and sweet for her age not to mention she's become much more talkative.... I believe she'll fit right it" Mrs. Kimberly explained.

I didn't know what to say, the thought of my baby going to school scared me a little. "Now I already talked to the Principal about your situation but Kaisey's hopefully soon to be teacher insisted on meeting the parent or guardian" I nodded a little. "Although she is ready for elementary school, I don't even know what it the school looks like or the background information of the school or the teacher or principal" I explained.

She smiled "well you will when you go to the meeting I arranged for you tomorrow at five" I held back a frown, how the hell do you just randomly make up a meeting for me? What if i have something to do tomorrow at five? I cleared my throat "well since you already made the meeting I'll go, but I need the directions to the school first". Mrs. Kimberly smiled "thank you for making the decision to go, plus it's not that far from here, so you can keep your daily routine". I nodded and looked at Kaisey "come on Kaisey" I held her hand as we walked out of the room and out of the building. I was in a somewhat un-happy mood, although I like Mrs. Kimberly very much and I know that she just wants what's best for Kaisey I feel as if she should have talked to me first before making the meeting.

"Nessa are you mad?" Kaisey asked which broke me away from my thoughts, I put on a fake smile "no Kaise, I'm not mad" I lied. "Did miss Mrs. Kimberly talk you about something important today?" I questioned, I looked at her as she shook her head. "Well you may be going to elementary school" I stated quietly, she suddenly stopped walking "I-I don't wanna go" she mumbled "oh come on Kaisey it'll be really fun, I promise" she looked at me "you'll get to see what your teacher looks like and what his or her classroom looks like, not to mention the school itself" I explained. Kaisey began to walk again but didn't say anything "Kaise it'll be fun and if you want me to I may be able to stay for your first day" she nodded a little.


"She's not happy about it?" Prince questioned I shook my head a little, I had jut gotten finished telling him about how Kaisey may be going to elementary school and how she reacted to the information. "Nu-uh I think she's a little scared" I said quietly I as I peaked over his shoulder and looked at her, she was sucking on the lollipop Prince had given her a few minutes ago. "The principal already knows of our situation.... Which is good I guess, but the teacher wants to meet the parent or gaurdian...." I looked at Prince. "Will you please come with me? Please oh please oh please!" I asked, he chuckled "why? Just incase Kaisey gets nervous?" I shook my head "no.... Just incase I get nervous" he smiled and placed his hands on my shoulders "Vanessa you'll be fine, but I'll still come along if you really want me to" I nodded "please do".


"Come on Kaisey it'll be fun...." Prince began "they'll have fun learning materials and books, not to mention kids your age, plus nap time.... Oh and don't get me started on snack time". I sat next to Prince as he talked to Kaisey about Pre-k, she was sitting on his lap and was resting her head on his upper chest. "Man when I was in Pre-k snack time was like the best time" I laughed a little "that's probably because you were greedy as heck!" I exclaimed. Kaisey giggled as Prince rolled his eyes "don't listen to her Kaise, she's just jealous" "of what exactly?" I questioned "that your Pre-k snack time wasn't as cool as mine" he stated "hmm.... What about my snack time right now?" I asked. I leaned in a little "hmm well that I don't know about" he mumbled right before he leaned in and pressed his lips again mine.

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