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::Same Day::

::Vanessa's P.O.V::

I looked at Prince then at Ray, he shrugged "but I mean I'm happy for you guys" I nodded as I held onto Prince's hand, a small smile appearing on my face when I noticed my hand fit perfectly in his. "If we don't go now we're gonna miss second block.... We already missed first" Prince stated I nodded "yeah plus I have to go to Mr. Johnson's office anyway" they both looked at me "I wasn't gonna kill her" I mumbled as I began to walk into the building, the guys followed me. We all walked down the hallway until we got to Mr. Johnson's office, I rolled my eyes when I saw Mia was already there and sitting down. "I'll see you two later" I muttered as I walked into the office and shut the door behind me.

I took off my bag and walked over and took a seat, I noticed Mia was staring at me "would you quite it?" I asked she rolled her eyes and said "whatever". "Ahem, you two realize why you're here correct?" Mr. Johnson asked "yeah I know why" I said quietly "yeah you went all killer crazy on me!" Mia exclaimed I eyed her "I wasn't gonna kill you" I remarked "and anyways you shouldn't have been talkin' shit in the first place" "language please" Mr. Johnson pointed out.

"Look Mr. J" I began "I realize what I did was a little bit out of line but there was a reason behind it" "and that reason was?" "I just said it, she was talking shit to me and I didn't like so I did something about it" Mr. J looked at Mia then back at me "and the things she said were?" I took a deep breathe "hmm let's see now.... I recall her asking if I was gonna fuck Ray and le-" Mr. J cut me off "who?" I sighed "Rayan" "oh okay, continue" "and she was telling me that since I 'fucked' Prince last night that he's probably at home sick because I probably gave him an STD and calling me a slut and shit" I explained. Mr. J looked at Mia "is this true?" She stayed quiet and messed with a loose string on her shirt, I sighed in frustration "speak bitch!" I exclaimed she looked up at me and flashed me her middle finger "I'll pounce on you again if you want me to" I stated.

She looked at Mr. Johnson and nodded "yes sir it's true" he sighed "ISS for you, Vanessa, and Mia you have detention" "what why do I get ISS and all she gets is detention?" I questioned, I really wanted to know. "You put your hands on her" he explained, I wanted to tell him that she slapped me but I just decided to drop it and let it be. "How long?" Mia asked "a week for the both of you" "well can I leave now then?" I said while getting up and walking to the door. He nodded, I opened the door and walked back into the hallway and made my way to my locker. When I grabbed my books I turned to walk to my next class but was suddenly met by Mia. "Look, don't think I'm scared of you alright? Because I'm not" she stated I rolled my eyes and scoffed "yeah right" I tried to walk pass her but she blocked me. "Trust me hoe" I narrowed my eyes "bitch please, try me if you want to, now move out my way before I strangle your ass again" I warned she eyed me before walking off.

When I got to my next class I opened the door and walked in. "You're late" my English teacher, Mr. Smith, stated "I realize" "well where were you?" He questioned I sighed "Mr. Johnson's office" "for what?" "Strangling the shit out of Mia, anything else you need to know?" I stated "just go sit down" I turned and walked to my seat "that's what I was going to do before you stopped me" I mumbled. I sat down at my desk which was next to Princeton's and pulled out my notebook and pencil.

I looked over at Princeton and saw him scribbling something on a piece of paper. He glanced over at me and smiled a little when he noticed me staring. I furrowed my eyebrows when he folded the piece of paper and passed it to me. I looked to make sure that Mr. Smith wasn't looking before I opened it. Written in neat hand writing were the words; Are we dating?

I smiled and thought about what I should write down. 'I don't know, do you want to?' I folded down the paper and gave it back to him. I directed my attention to Mr. Smith so it looked like I was paying attention but from the corner of my eye I noticed Prince look at me. He scribbled something down and passed it back to me. I slowly opened the paper, a bit curious about what he wrote. 'It depends do you want to?' I bit my lip 'yeah I want to' instead of passing it I decided to throw the note at him. It hit him on the cheek and he frowned and looked at me, I giggled. I watched as he opened the paper and his eyes scanned across it looking for where I had written my answer. Suddenly his eyes stopped moving and a smirk appeared on his face, he looked up at me and I smiled.


After class ended I walked out into the hallway only for someone to gently pull me back. They slowly wrapped their arms around my waist, I smiled. "Hello Prince" I looked at him "how'd you know it was me?" "Because all the other boys in that class know not to touch me" I stated "oh" "plus we just got finished passing notes, so I figured it was you" he nodded "that's logical thinking".

I smiled a little and began to walk with him down the hall. As we walked a few people stared at us. "Why are they staring at us like that?" I questioned to Prince "because we 'fucked' last night remember?" "Oh.... Yeah that is right" "Yup" he took hold of my hand and led me outside "where are we going?" I questioned "I just thought that we should take the outside way, you know just to get away from the crowd I guess" I nodded and said "oh". "Plus I want it to be just you and me" I smiled "you're so sweet" I stated he shrugged "I try". We walked down the path until we got to the door that took us back into the school. I leaned against the brick wall and looked at Prince, he gave me a side smile and walked up to me. Without hesitating I pulled him closer and crashed my lips onto his, I closed my eyes as he deepened the kiss.

::Ray Ray's P.O.V::

I was walking outside trying to beat the crowd in the hallway, I fiddled with my braids because I noticed that the ends were coming un-loose. I frowned and took out half of the braid and re-braided it but it didn't work. I heaved a heavy sigh and tried again, this time it worked. I did the same thing with the other braid and when I was finished I pulled out my iPhone and unlocked it, signing into Facebook I noticed that Prince and Vanessa had both changed there status to 'in a relationship'. I smiled a little and looked around, I suddenly smirked. Speaking of Prince and Vanessa there they were by the door that led into the school. I rolled my eyes when I noticed that they were sharing, yet another, passionate kiss.

I frowned and went to my contacts and found Princeton's name and tapped on it. I brought the phone to my ear and listened to it ring, I watched as Prince pulled away from Vanessa and ran his hand through his hair, something he always did when he was either frustrated, nervous, or stressed. I continued to watch as he looked at his phone then tapped it, I suddenly heard his voice-mail box start. I scoffed "I know he did not just send me to voice-mail" I put my phone back in my pocket and walked over to Prince and Vanessa, who were back to kissing. "Um excuse me! When you guys are finished sucking each other's faces off I've got somethin' to say" I stated. They pulled away from each other and looked at me "I called you" I said to Prince he nodded "I know" "and you had the nerve to send me to voice-mail?" I questioned "well I was kinda in the middle of something... As you can see" he stated back. I frowned and looked at Vanessa "I got my eye on you" I said "what? What did I do?" She asked "you got him lovestruck!" I exclaimed Prince shook his head a little while Nessa giggled.

"Matter of fact, I'm watching the both of you" I stated they gave me blank stares "you know why? Because I refuse to watch any little nieces or nephews" I stated "You sound like your mom" Prince said I blinked "oh my god I do! See what you two did?" I shook my head "just wait until everyone else finds out, how are you gonna tell'em?" I asked they shrugged "they'll catch on".


Sorry for any mistakes

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