Cemetery (Part Two)

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::Same Day::

::Vanessa's P.O.V::

I walked down the hallway, fighting back my tears, I was so stupid. I shouldn't have raised my hand! Now everyone's looking at me like I'm some kind of damn freak! Maybe it was just one class that had found out but when you're in high school your business spreads like a disease. I bit my lip, why didn't Jacob do anything? I know he saw them staring. He could have at least said something like; Hey, quit staring at her.... She's not some animal at the damn zoo. But no.... He stayed silent. I guess he just doesn't care anymore. I un-locked my locker putting up my history and English book and pulled out my Science textbook and my art sketch pad so I wouldn't have to go back to my locker after science to get it. I closed my locker and left to go to Science.

When I got to the Science lab, Mr. Spencer wasn't there yet, so I sat down at table with Aaliyah, she smiled "hey, I heard about what happened" she quietly "it'll get better" I smiled a little "thanks". "Did Prince say anything? Anything at all?" I shook my head and sighed "nah.... He doesn't care anymore Aaliyah" "yes he does, don't say that. He's just confused about what to do.... Give him some time, he'll come around" she explained. I looked up and saw Mia walking into the room, I groaned. She looked over at me and smirked, "I heard you're cutting like your sister" she said loudly, making everyone in the room look over at me. "You should give us some proof like you did the other class" she said before sitting down.


Mr. Spencer still hadn't shown up yet and the class was getting a little bit bored of waiting for him. I watched as Mia leaned over and whispered something in this boys ear, his name was Daniel. He smirked and began to look for something in his bag, when he finally found it he pulled out a red Sharpie. They both made sure I was looking before Daniel pulled the cap off of the Sharpie and dragged it along his wrist. My eyes watered when I realized what they were signaling, some of the class tried to hold in their laughter while others just laughed. There were very few people who had a look of disgust on their face from Daniel and Mia's action, but they didn't make any type of action to stop them. Because they didn't know what to do, and I can't blame them because I didn't either. But Aaliyah did.

"Damn jerk" she mumbled before getting up and walking over to Mia and Daniel. I watched as she snatched the marker out of Daniel's hands, "you are a fucking bastard" She started "I can't even believe you, matter of fact I can't believe any of you!" She yelled "laughing at someone elses pain. What the hell is wrong with all of you?" She took a deep breathe. "Listen Daniel, if you try anything like that again I swear to got I will shove this very marker so far down your got damn throat that you won't be able to speak for a whole fucking month" she said angrily "try me". She suddenly pointed to Mia "and you, all I have to say to you is to watch your god damn back bitch, because your day is coming where I find you in the hallway and beat the shit out of you". I watched as Mr. Spencer suddenly walked into the room, "sorry I'm late class" he said as he sat down his bag and looked up at us. "What's going on here?" He asked looking at Aaliyah, Mia, and Daniel. Aaliyah smiled "oh nothing Mr. Spencer, just having a nice friendly chat with Daniel and Mia here". Without saying another word she turned and walked over and took a seat. "Well alright, let's get started then" Mr. Spencer said as he began to explain the lesson. "Thanks" I whispered "no problem, I'm here for you whenever you need me".


::Princeton's P.O.V::

I was getting tired of avoiding Vanessa, I really wanted to talk to her but didn't know when and how. Plus what would I say? Sorry I pissed you off so bad that you ended up in the hospital? And now it's all my fault that everyone's giving you such a hard time? "Prince" I heard someone say, I looked up and saw Roc and Prod standing in front of me. "What?" I said, expecting them to go off on me like Ray kinda did last night. "We just wanted to say that we're sorry" Roc stated, I narrowed my eyes at them. "If this is some kind of sick joke to make me feel bad, I don't need it right now" I said angrily. "It's not, we heard what you said last night.... And you're right. We haven't been very good brothers" Prod said seriously. "We're supposed to stick with each other through thick and thin and we didn't. We left when things got fucked up" Roc said as he looked at me "we left you to figure shit out alone" Prod stated. "Sorry" they said in unison, I gave them a long stare before nodding my head little. "It's okay, I forgive you".

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