In The Rain

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::Same Day::

::Princeton's P.O.V::

I looked out the window and smiled when I noticed that it was raining, I turned around and saw Vanessa sitting on the couch reading a book. "Vanessa..." she raised her eyebrows but continued to read "it's raining outside" I stated she looked at me "I know, you scared?" I scoffed "no, I just want to show you somethin" "well what is it then?" She asked "I have to show you, so come here" I watched as she marked her place in her book before closing it and walking over to me. I smiled as I opened the door and pulled Vanessa out onto the porch, "Prince it's cold out here" she stated I gave her a side smile and ran back into the house and grabbed my Nirvana sweat jacket and brought it outside and handed it to her. After she put it on I grabbed her by the hand "what is it that you wanted to show me?" She asked I smiled and gently pulled her off of the porch and into the pouring rain.

She screamed a little and looked at me "what are you doing!?" I shrugged "I wanna have fun in the rain" "well I don't want too, you just go and do you though" she said while turning to walk away I grabbed her arm and stopped her "but... I can't have fun in the rain all by myself.... Please have fun with me" I asked, she looked me in the eyes and sighed "fine, but you better be glad I love you" I smiled "I'm ever so grateful". I held both her hands in my mine and began to sing Stuck On Stupid by Chris Brown. Vanessa smiled and began to sing with me.

She started laughing when I began to dance a little. Our moment was interrupted when Ray opened the door and looked at us. "You two idiots are gonna get sick!" He stated Vanessa and I ignored him he shrugged "okay whatever, don't come complaining to me when you two wake up with a cold" he turned and closed the door. Vanessa leaned in and rested her head on my chest. I smiled and placed my hands on her back as she placed her's on my shoulders. We both began to slowly spin in circles.

:: Vanessa's P.O.V::

I closed my eyes and smiled as I spun around with Princeton. The soft rain continued to fall as I allowed Prince to hold me close. As I went to go kiss Prince on the cheek a crack of thunder stopped me from doing so. I opened my eyes and let out a small scream, nearly jumping out of his arms. He looked at me and burst out laughing. I frowned "calm down it's only a little thunder" he stated. The rain which was once soft and quiet had changed to hard and loud. I looked at Prince and realized that he was smiling.

I was going to ask why when yet another crack of thunder erupted. I jumped a little, Prince placed one of his hands on top of my head. "Let's go inside" he stated, looking me in the eye. I looked at his golden brown orbs and nodded. He held my hand as we walked back onto the porch. I looked around and noticed that Ray had put out two towels for us. I grabbed one and wrapped it around myself, Prince did the same and we both walked into the house. We walked into the living room to see Roc and Prod sitting down. "What's the matter afraid of a little rain?" Roc questioned I scoffed "that's not a litte rain! That's a lot of rain" Prod looked at me "you scared?" I folded my arms across my chest "no".

Suddenly the sound of thunder filled the whole house, I yelped and staggered back into Princeton. I knew he was smiling a little as he held me close to him. "Hmm yeah not scared at all" Roc and Prod stated. I rolled my eyes and walked up the stairs into Prince's room. "I don't know why I let you drag me out into the rain" I stated quietly "because you love me" "yeah well now I'm wet and cold" Prince smiled "well I can warm you up". "That's nasty" I pointed out, he raised an eyebrow "what are talking about? I was just going to let you change into some dry clothes and let you lay down with a lot of blankets..... What were you thinking about?" I pressed my lips together and said "nothing..."


After I took a quick shower Prince gave me a t-shirt and some long pajama pants to wear, I wrapped a towel around my damp hair and walked out into his room to find him sitting on his bed surrounded by a bunch of blankets and pillows. I laughed a little when I noticed that all I could see was his afro, he casually moved the blanket out of the way and looked at me, a goofy grin on his face. "Come to my fortress of.... Um... Soft comfyness?" I shook my head "that is a horrible fortress name". I walked over and climbed into the bed with him and sat next to him. I watched with confusen as he positioned himself so that his head was resting on my lap and he was looking up at me.

I smiled and played with his curls, he closed his eyes and smiled just a little. "You like it when people play with your hair don't you?" I questioned he shook his head a little "mhm, I only like it when you do it". His statement made me giggle, as I continued to play with his hair he pressed his lips together, I could tell that he was trying to suppress a moan. "Go ahead..." I said quietly, he parted his lips just a little and a soft quiet moan escaped his lips. I smiled as he kept his eyes closed, I continued to play with his curls. I twirled my finger around one of them and in response Prince let out another moan. I suddenly stopped and watched as Prince opened his eyes and looked at me, "what's wrong?" He asked I shook my head "nothing".

"No seriously what's wrong? I can tell something's bothering you" I sighed "nothing's wrong, I promise, I was just thinking..." "about what?" "My life". "You wanna talk about it?" Prince asked I thought about it but decided that I didn't. Instead of answering him I began to play in his hair again, "I guess that's a no" he stated, he was going to say something else but instead he moaned, I giggled. "I'm gonna have to play with your hair more often.... You moaning is so cute and sexy".


::Next Day::

::Princeton's P.O.V::

I watched as Aaliyah walked down the hallway, I placed my arm on her shoulder when I caught up to her. "Guess what" I stated "what?" I shrugged "I don't know" she looked at me "what the hell Prince" I smiled "just wanted to make conversation, is all". "Well you did... Now get off of me" she said as she playfully pushed my arm off of her shoulder. "Well damn.... Fuck it then" I said as I stopped walking and turned around. "Wait... Don't go" she said, I smirked and turned back around "aww I knew you'd miss me!" I stated as I placed my arm back on her shoulder. She rolled her eyes "bastard" "bitch" I stated, we walked down the hallway together, trying to hold in our laughter. "You two are a bunch of weirdos" Prod said as he suddenly walked passed us to get to his locker. "We know" Aaliyah and I said in unison.

Aaliyah and I both watched as Mia came walking up to us, "I'm coming to visit" "what?" Aaliyah asked. Mia smirked "you'll see, just wait" was all she said before she walked away. "The hell?" Aaliyah said in confusion, I shrugged "I have no idea".


Sorry it's so short.... Had writers block : - /

Also sorry for any mistakes

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