#12 - Kidnapped

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''Do we have any doctor in this hospital called Jung-hoon?'' Minho asked.

''Hmm lemme check,'' Taehyung said.

''Nope, we don't,'' Lisa replied.

''We have one, but it's not Jung-hoon, it's Jeon-hoon,'' Taehyung said.

Maybe it's someone from his family, he thought.

''Why?'' Lisa asked.

''Just wondering, it's rare surname,'' Minho said.

''Btw, how's your relationship going on?'' Jimin asked as Lisa looked shocked at him.

''You have a boyfriend and you didn't tell me?!'' She asked.

''No! I don't have a boyfriend!'' Minho said.

''He got a secret leter from anonymous person,'' Taehyung said.

''Oh my~'' she said.

Minho blushed and rolled his eyes.

''It's really nothing. I'm meeting with him today,'' Minho admitted.

''And you didn't tell us that before??'' Jimin asked not beliving it.

''Yahh can I have a private life for once?'' Minho asked laughing.

''Well, noo!'' They said and laughed.

''I gotta go, see you all later!'' Minho said.

''Yeah, yeah, go to your boyfie~'' they said and laughed.


Minho went in the 192 room and spotted one man already leaving.

''Um esxcuse me, are you Jung-hoon?'' Minho asked.

''Yeah, oh, you must be Lee Know! Right?'' Jung-hoon said unsure.

''Yes, that would be me. You're leaving already?'' Minho asked while walking beside him.

''Sorry I just got notification that I need to go back to my office,'' Jung-hoon said.

''I thought you said that you're working here at National University Hospital Seoul?'' Minho said unsure.

They went out of the hospital and continue walking.

''Yes, I said that. I forgot to mention that I have two jobs,'' Jung-hoon said.

''Wow, and you can do both of them? What's your second job?'' Minho asked.

''It's, uh, police officer,'' Jung-hoon said.

Minho looked at him confused. How can he be a doctor, specially a surgical resident and police officer at the same time?

''How can you be a doctor and police officer at the same time? Isn't that impossible?'' Minho asked.

Jung-hoon stopped while being near one black car. He turned around to face Minho.

''I'll explain it to you. Would you mind holding this for me, please?'' Jung-hoon asked as Minho looked at his business suitcase.

''No, I don't mind,'' Minho said and held his business suitcase.

Jung-hoon opened the back door of his car as the other two men got out.

''Oh, that's your car? It's good,'' Minho said.

''Yes it is. Do you like it?'' Jung-hoon asked.

''Yes, it's beautiful,'' Minho admitted.

''Hey boss, are you ready to go?'' His tall bodyguard asked.

''Yes,'' Jung-hoon said and smirked at Minho.

Minho noticed strange situation. His bodyguards were suspicious just like him. Why did they even get out of the car in the first place?

''Oh, please hold it,'' Jung-hoon said as he gave his bodyguard his business suitcase.

''Well, it was nice to--''

Minho stopped when he spotted a black snake tattoo on his neck. Jung-hoon smirked knowing that Minho understood that he was that wanted psychopath.

''I think I should go no--''

Minho flinched when Jung-hoon grabbed his arm tightly and pointed gun at his neck with his other one.

''Get in the damn car or I'm gonna shot you right in front of the hospital,'' Jung-hoon warned him.

Minho didn't say anything and got in the car. His bodyguards were sitting right beside him while Jung-hoon went in the front seat and started driving. Minho looked at the hospital before looking back at the Jung-hoon. He couldn't believe what was happening.

Obsessed with doctor - Minsung ✔️Finished✔️Where stories live. Discover now