Episode 4: Fall Apart

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We were out of the herd and were on the way to that Civil War place. Rebecca had to stop because of the baby or something, which lead to an argument between her and Jane. We arrived to see Mike, Bonnie, and Kenny made it there. Luke, Sarah, and Nick weren't there. Since Kenny was mad, me and Clem were asked to go talk to him.

We walked over to Kenny and heard him mourning Sarita. He had a gun in hand. I was nervous to even say, "hi" and I could sense Clem was too. "Hi, Kenny." Clem finally said. He glared at us. His bloody eye-bandage didn't make it any less scary. More, actually. "You think I don't know what y'all are whispering about over there? 'Whats wrong with Kenny?' 'Why's Kenny acting that way?' 'Do you think Kenny's okay?' Its all I hear from anyone anymore." He told us.
"Kenny, we're worried about you." I told him.
"Worried, huh? Well, that's awful nice of ya since this is your fault." He told us.
"Kenny, we, you and I have been in this phase before. Being angry won't help." I tried telling him.
"No? Because its sure as hell helping me." He said. "You think because you're kids you can just get people killed snd no one will care. That because you're, 'sorry' it'll all magically go away? That's not how it works!" Kenny spat. "Now for the last time, just get the fuck out of here and leave me alone."
I nodded. "C'mon, Clementine." I said.

We went to Rebecca, Mike, Bonnie, and Jane. "He's mad at us. But look, he's been here before. He'll come back eventually." I told them.
"Standing here is making me go crazy." Mike said. "We got no food, no water, its getting damn cold, and we're losing daylight fast."
"Mike's got a point. We can't just keep sitting around waiting." Jane said. "Things are difficult enough right now and soon you'll have a baby on your hands, too."
"We should find Luke, Sarah, and Nick. If they're in trouble, we might be able to help them." Clem said.
"I'll go. Clem and Y/n can come with me." Jane said.

"Look, I'm gonna have to level with you." Jane said. We were walking around the woods in hopes to find Luke, Sarah, and Nick. "You should know that finding your friends... that's a shot in the dark."
"Well, we still gotta look." I said. Jane then told us the group is cracking. We tried telling her being alone isn't good either, but I completely ignored her. "Why did we come with you then?" I asked.
"I just want to give you the tools you need to make it. Like your jackets. They look warm. But a walker? It will bite right through it." She said. "You know, being a big sister is...well, its funny." Jane said. "Its really easy to be mean."
"Well, sounds like we went to different schools, Jane, because I think as an older brother, I'm pretty nice to Clem." I said.
"I can vouch for you for that." Clem said. "But I know I would be an ass to you sometimes."
"Water under the bridge. You being my sister and still having you two years into the apocalypse is amazingly lucky." I told her. We saw a mobile home park and we ran to it. Jane killed two walkers. "See what he's got. They're fresh. These guys were survivors. They might have useful stuff." Jane told us. Clem checked the walker. Pocket one was bullets. Clem held onto them. Pocket two were drivers licenses. Jane stabbed another one and we flipped it over. Under it was Sarah's glasses. "This means she was here." Clem said.
"Clem, i know what you want me to say, but..." Jane tried saying, but we heard Sarah and Luke's voices. "You were saying?" I smirked at Jane. We went around the gate and saw Nick. He was dead. He was a walker. "I'm sorry, Nick." Clem said.
"Let me take care of him." I said. I stabbed him in the head, finishing him off. "That hatchet got stuck in a walker's head back there." I said to Clem.
"Here, try this." Jane said. She gave Clem an ice pick. We went through the gate. Clem killed a walker with her ice pick and we saw two more. I killed one with my knife using a trick Jane taught us by taking out the knees first. Clem did the same with the other. There were about 20 walkers behind a few dumpsters that were banging on a building, where Sarah and Luke was hiding in. "I have an idea." I said. I opened a truck and pressed the horn. "Clem, the walker. Help me with it." I said. Clem helped me pull the walker to the truck. We pushed its head against the horn to hear a loud honk. I closed the door to make sure it wouldn't fall out. We ran inside a building and quickly took down two walkers. Then we heard the honking stop. "Crap!" I said. We ran to the building Luke and Sarah were in. It was locked. Clem tried kicking it. "Let me try." I told her. I kicked the door, seeing it move a little. "Again!" Jane said. Clem gave it a kick, making the door swing open. The three of us ran inside and barricaded the door shut. "Who's out there?" Luke asked.
"Luke!" Clem shouted. Luke opened the door. "Oh thank god." He said. "Did Nick find you? He made a run for it, lookin' for help."
"Yeah, but...he's gone..." I told him.
"Fuck... fuck..." Luke muttered. He looked at a door. "I don't know what to do about Sarah." He said. We went back to the room. Luke told Sarah we're here. "I don't know what to do. I can't snap her out of it, okay? I tried to carry her, but I...I guess Carver messed me up pretty good back there."
"Sarah, wake up." I said. Clem got to Sarah's level. She tried hugging her, but she couldn't. "Maybe it seems like you're alone right now, but you're not." Clem said.
"I am." Sarah said. I shook my head. "Our friends make us stronger, Sarah. Our friend, Lee, he died for us. He wants us to move on. Carlos protected you because he wanted you to keep moving." I told Sarah. It seemed like it got through to her. Clem returned her glasses to her. The entrance busted open. Jane and Luke ran to hold the shelf in front of the door. "Find something to stand on!" Luke said.
"Can we use the shelf?" I asked.
"Aw, shit." Luke said. Luke got ready to pull it.
Clem pushed it and I stayed behind with Jane to help her hold the door closed. Clem and Luke got the shelf into the room. Me and Jane ran into the room with them. "Luke! You first! We need you up top." Jane said. She pushed Luke up through the skylight. "Sarah! Snap out of it!" Clem shouted.
"You can't save her, guys." Jane said.
"Slap her!" I said. Clem slapped Sarah. "WAKE UP!" I shouted. She pulled Clem up. Jane helped Sarah, then Clem, then me, then she got herself up. We got off the roof and started walking back.

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