Episode 5: No Going Back

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We went inside and saw Kenny. "Kenny!" Clem said.
"Oh thank Christ you're okay. Where's AJ?" He asked.
"Jane has him." Clem said.
"You left him with HER?" Kenny was terrified. "JANE!" He ran out the door. "JANE!!!" Clem turned around and saw Jane coming. "Kenny! Look!" Clem pointed out Jane was coming. Kenny ran back inside the rest stop as Jane entered. But she didn't have AJ with her. "Are you alright? Where's the kid?" Kenny asked.
"Where is he?" Clem asked.
"He's..." she started with a broke voice. Kenny backed up and his eye widened. "No. No!" He ran out the door.
"Oh dear god...not again." I whispered.
"Not again." Clem said. Jane got to our level. "Whatever happens, stay out of it." She told us.
"Whatever happens STAY OUT OF IT? What the fuck does that mean?" I asked. "Why did you kill AJ?" I asked. We saw Kenny coming back. Jane started backing up. "How could you kill a fucking CHILD?!" Kenny swung his list at her. She dodged him and pulled her knife out. "I didn't kill him! It was an accident, Kenny!" She tried telling him, but Kenny didn't listen. She put her knife away. "Don't you come near me you son of a bitch." She told Kenny. As soon as she took her hand off the handle, Kenny charged at her. "Stop! Please!" Clem exclaimed. Kenny pinned Jane to the window. "Get the fuck off!" She said, knocking Kenny's eye bandage and hat off his head.
"FUCK YOU!" He shouted. Clem grabbed Kenny's arm. Jane punched Kenny down. I pulled Jane off Kenny. Kenny ran at her, but she slashed him in the gut. Kenny and Jane went outside. Clem got between them. "Run!" She told Jane. She threw Clem to the ground. That pushed me over the edge. Jane tried slashing Kenny and jumped at him, breaking through a sign. Kenny tried grabbing her knife. "I'll fucking kill you!" He exclaimed. Jane pulled Kenny down and started squeezing on Kenny's beaten eye. "Stop! Its over!" Clem shouted as she went behind Jane. I kicked Jane's arm to get her off Kenny. Kenny used the knife to stab Jane in the knee. Clementine fell over and dropped the gun. Kenny got on Jane and started trying to force the knife into her chest. I grabbed the pistol and put it in my pocket. Tears started going down Clem's eyes. We watched Kenny shove the knife handle deep into her chest, killing her. Kenny placed his hands over his face. "AJ...he's gone, kids..." Kenny said as he sat up. "She...she just...how could she do that?" Kenny asked.
"Are you okay?" Clem asked Kenny.
"I'll live." He shook his head. We took a moment of silence. Then we heard crying. "Do you hear that?" I asked. Clem nodded. Kenny started looking around in shock. "GO! I'm right behind ya!" He said. Me and Clem jumped up and started running in the direction of the crying. It was coming from a car. We saw AJ inside. "Oh my god! AJ!" Clem said. She opened the car door and grabbed him. Kenny came back with his bandage and hat. "Are you okay, kiddo?" I asked AJ. "He's alive!"
"AJ! Let me see him." Kenny said. We gave him AJ. He gently hugged the baby. "I thought we lost you, buddy." He said.
"I thought Jane killed him!" Clem said.
"I did too. Thats why I was so riled up." Kenny replied. "She was nuts, you two. A disturbed person that had her own agenda." Kenny handed AJ back to Clem. "Listen, i didn't want that to happen, either. I thought she killed Alvie, y'all. And at any point, she coulda stopped what was happenin' by saying he was fine. She wanted a fight." Kenny said. "I'd never, ever hurt you guys. You understand? I was protecting you. You believe me, right?" Kenny asked.
"I believe you." Clem said.
"Okay. Thanks."
"You were right about her." I added. Kenny initiated a hug with us. After we pulled away, we started moving to get away from here.

9 days later...
We were on the move again, on our way to find Wellington. Kenny survived the gut wound when we tied it up and cleaned it. We got to a hill, Kenny not far behind us, carrying AJ. "I got him. Don't worry." He said. We got next to us. "I'll race you to the top." He said. He started laughing and running up the hill. We started laughing too and chased after him.
Kenny entered dad mode. And Jane is all, "see wHO he reALly iS". I will die on this hill yelling "fuck you, Jane!" You know an actor does amazing when you hate the character they play.
We got to the top of a hill and saw a huge wall and smoke. "Holy shit." Kenny said. "We made it."
"About time." Clem said.
"I know, right?" I added. We stared moving towards the wall. Then we heard a gunshot. "Thats far enough." We heard.
"Do as she says. Put your hands up." Kenny said. Me and Clem did so. "Drop your weapons." Clem and Kenny looked at me. I dropped the gun. "Approach the gate." She said. We started moving closer to the gate. We got to it and saw the woman at the gate. "Hi. I'm Edith." She introduced herself.
"Names Kenny. This is Clementine and Y/n." Kenny introduced us. "And this is Alvin Junior."
"He's gonna be a little heartbreaker when he grows up." Edith said.
"We dropped our stuff for your safety, right?" I asked. Edith nodded in response.
"So this is Wellington, right?" Kenny asked.
"A lotta people call it that."
"So what do we do to get in?" Kenny asked.
"Well, this is the part where I give you the bad news." Edit dropped a duffel bag. "That's some supplies. Food, water, some medicine, a first aid kit."
"Why are you giving us this?" Kenny asked.
"Our community isn't accepting new members. We're over capacity as it is, and we can't keep bringing people in."
"You gotta be fucking kidding me." Kenny said.
"This is bullshit." Clem said.
"I know it is, dear, but...a whole lotta other people went through stuff to get here before you. And don't think you're the first people we had to turn away. If there was anything I could do..."
"Just take the kids!" Kenny blurted out. "Just take the kids! Its too dangerous out here for them. Its just a little girl, a teenage boy, and a baby boy. Please, just...i need them to he safe. Just, ask someone, please? They won't make it out there! Please!" Kenny begged. Edith went to ask someone. "What the hell are you doing?" Clem asked.
"Its safe here. The three of you will be safe. That's whats important now." Kenny told us. Edith came back. "We can take the children, but...just the children." She said.
"Thank you! Thank you!" Kenny thanked her. "This is your chance. For all three of you." Kenny gave me AJ. "I don't trust myself to keep you two safe. Not anymore." Kenny said. "Please stay here, where you two'll have a chance." Kenny begged. Neither me or Clem could hold back our tears. "No no no! Why are you doing this?" Clem asked.
"Because its the only way. Think about Alvie here." Tears started to go down Kenny's face. "Do as I'm asking you this one last time."
"No! We're leaving! All of us, together." Clementine told Kenny.
"Please, think about--"
"Stop! Stop Kenny! Just stop!" I demanded. "We aren't staying here without you."
"Sounds like they mean business." Edith said.
"Yeah. Yeah it does." Kenny said.
"Come on. We're leaving." Clem said. We heard another duffel bag. "I'm only supposed to give out one per group, but...if you're in the area, check back in a few months. We might be accepting then." Edith said.
"Thank you, and sorry for the language." Kenny said. Clem took a duffel bag and Kenny rook a duffel bag while I held AJ. Kenny smiled at us. "You're as stubborn as a damn mule." He told us.
"Wonder where we got it from." I said. We started walking away from Wellington.

We'll be alright. We'll live.

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