Conflicting by being simping

191 7 16

Cooking was fun when I did it with my siblings, but this is now more of a teaching matter!  Chica was able to make pizza's well, but other food as this? I didn't even know before that someone can burn water for the soup. Roxy was also trying to help, but she never saw bread or flavors in her entire life. Monty and Bonnie sat in the living room, browsing through the different channels on the television, while DJ tried to keep their voices down. Sun and Moon also tried to help in the kitchen, but since they also successfully burned the water, they accepted that they would just clean the rooms and help me sort out the kitchen.
„A-am I doing it right this time?"
„Not really...It's better to cook at a middle temperature. To hot will burn the soup."

Even though it was stressful just this morning, it seems that the mood changed from sloppy to cheerful. I'm impressed that Sun can walk around now normally, even though he had so much trouble yesterday. I can't believe only a day had passed since the Pizzaplex burned down. I also have to call my brother and try to act like I was horrified. Everyone is fine, so why would I feel sad? Sure, he doesn't know about it and thinks I must be devastated to loose the ones I love, but they are happy and well. I'm not a person that can lie, but acting? I was able to act well back when Ennard killed...the others so we could get their bodies. Talking about bodies...Chica's curly ginger hair flies in the air as she bounces up and down near the stove. She looks really young...way to young. Did we really have such young people in the Pizzaplex?

I glanced over to Roxy, which looked way older. Her long black hair falls over her shoulders while her brown eyes are focused on placing the bowls. I didn't think we had someone from Asia as well. Although...
„Me and Sun are ready cleaning."
„That's great, thank you."
Moons body was from an intruder, but his dark brown hair and skin match so well with his sky blue eyes. My heart pounds faster when I stared at Moon longer. And it aches at the same time. Why must I think that they both look so handsome? I didn't really feel that much attraction from both of them when they were in robotic bodies. Is it because they look more like humans? Even when, both of them don't want to kiss as long as they remain in those bodies, I can't help but imagine how it would feel kissing them now. If it would feel the same or completely different.

I pushed those thoughts back and concentrated on giving out the soup. We don't have enough chairs in the dining room, but Monty and Bonnie didn't even wanted to get away from the television. We had six chairs in the kitchen, so everything was settled. When Freddy later comes, it might be a bit crowded though. DJ looks also like an average human. With his brown hair and green eyes, he is camouflage in person. Chica should be the one that stands out most with her ginger hair, but why do I feel like it's more Sun and Moon? Sure, they are taller and yes, they are handsome, but shouldn't my priorities be teaching everyone now how to be more like a human? And not who looks the best? Can my simping heart even stop for one second??
„Starlight? Are you alright?"

Ugh...I don't want them to know about those thoughts of mine, especially if other people hear it as well.
„Yes. My mind is just being busy making the schedule for us all."
Moon doesn't believe me one bit. It was already easy to read him like an open book, but now he is even easier to read, especially when he furrows his brows.
„Is that so?"
I avoided his glare and ate my soup in silence. Roxy got help from Chica, who already knew how to eat and hold a spoon. Sun and Moon also had no trouble, but DJ was a bit clumsy. He couldn't keep the spoon straight on it and had half of the soup on his shirt in the end. It's like teaching toddlers and not I even want to know how bad the other two are doing?

After washing the dishes and finally showering myself, I lay down bed and sighed exhausted. Not even half of the day had passed and yet I feel like I haven't slept for a whole week. Stress sure is taking it's price on my body.
Moon looked unsure to me up at the door, not knowing if he should come in or not. I smiled reassured and pat on the empty spot next to me. He walked up to the bed, lying down next to me.
„ your mind really busy with a non existent schedule?"
„Hey! We really do need a schedule for everything."
„But I don't think that's your biggest concern."
Why must he be so good at reading me? But what could I say? 'Hey! I'm starting to feel attracted towards your bodies now as well and would really hope we can continue our couple stuff!'...

Sundrop/Moondrop x Y/N part 3Where stories live. Discover now