A new job

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Three days had passed since everyone lived with us together. After a lot of changing and washing clothes. All of them can even go to the toilet without any problems anymore. There was also no call from Michael, so I couldn't ask if he is alright with the rest he got. I wanted to call Julia to see how she took the loss of her job, but guilt didn't let me type her number. What if she is mad that I really took away her job? Sure, the payment was bad and the conditions to work there were only explained in detail after you took the job, but she was happy. Sun tried to encourage me to call whenever I stared at the phone so long, but Moon claimed with remarks that Julia probably still needs more time. We can do nothing more as to wait, but even though I thought that time won't run away anymore after we escape, it still is.

Hours have passed like days, so I couldn't stand the nagging of Moon anymore and called Julia. It was ringing a long time, before someone answered.
'Hello? Who is this?'
Hearing Julia's voice makes me sigh relieved. I nearly thought she didn't make it out of the fire in the right time.
„Hello Julia..."
It was quiet on the other side. Even Monty and Vonnie who were fighting for the remote control went quiet.
'I didn't think you would have had burned down the Pizzaplex.'
„Technically- no, I did participate in it."
'Was it worth burning everyone to the ground?'
Ah...she must think that I left the others back.

„No one found any memory chips, right?"
'What- do you have any idea how hard the fire was to distinguish?? Nothing but ashes remained!'
What the hell did Michael mix with this?
„So no one will know that the memory chip of all animatronics were gone."
'Yes, but what does that...did you...took them out?'
The hope in her voice made me smile a little.
„Everyone is safe in my house. It's a bit crowded, but everyone is adjusting well."
'What do you mean adjusting?'
„...We can't talk over this on the phone."
'Ah...than I will come visit you.'
„Are you sure you want to? What I would have to tell is more shocking than the virus incidents all together."

She sighed on the other end.
'I don't know if it's a good idea to see what your idea was, but maybe it will help me understand how you think.'
„It will really not be pleasant."
'Oh come on! I'm sure to get you back with whatever bad thing you did with a story night of me and my husband!'
„I'm sure I deserve such punishment."
'Good! See you in a few minutes than!'
„Wait Ju-...and she hung up."
I sighed and looked sideways to the kitchen that looked like a mess. Normally it's always clean because me and Chris can't stand if something is not clean inside the house, but after I was so busy teaching the way of how to be a human, the lessons only multiplied while I taught them how to speak normally.

It were really only a few minutes, till the doorbell rang. I'm nervous to tell Julia the whole truth about the plans we all did for the past months, but I'm sure she will understand! She must...I opened the door and got hugged immediately by Julia.
„Y/N you sly fox! Next time you do something so dangerous, at least tell me beforehand!"
„I will. Though I'm sure nothing can compare to what we did in the Pizzaplex."
„What do you mean?"
She let go of me, worries shine in her eyes. I hold her arms and looked right to her.
„Don't panic and don't scream when you see them."
„N-now you're scaring me a bit..."
„The method we used to hide them so they can live as normal humans is...bizarre. We wanted to do it in a more technical and not...such a way..."

She walked without a word into the living room. I only saw her shacking back, but I know she must be angry. She knew some of the colleagues Ennard had killed. Sure, nearly everyone was destined to die in their own dumb behavior, but they were still no strangers of Julia. Moon came out of the living room, watching Julia and me back and forth.
„I thought I told you that she needed more time?"
„It wasn't planned to tell her now!"
Why is Moon even so against it to tell her? It was fine when Michael knew about it and it was also fine that my brother saw them, so why not Julia?
„What are you so afraid off?"
He was better at hiding his emotions back than, but now I can read him like an open book. His brows furrowed together, the eyes twitching as I found out the truth.

Sundrop/Moondrop x Y/N part 3Where stories live. Discover now