The showdown

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I couldn't believe my ears. I didn't wanted to hear this voice. Not from this angle. Not with this knife in her hands.
„...Why? Just why are you doing this?"
My voice was barely a whisper as I stared to the wall. This can't be happening. Not her. I don't want her to hold the knife. The crying continued behind me and the knife was shaking.
„I have to...he is threatening my daughter...If I don't stop you, he will kill her..."
„But the knife down...please..."
My whole body froze as I felt the cold metal on my skin. Felt the sharp pain that was close to be more.
„I can't...I told you I would choose my daughters safety over everything. I can't loose her like I lost my sister to this monster..."

Her crying was evident as she didn't wanted this. I know her. And her words are only having truth inside them. I prepared myself to get killed by Afton, to get killed by Sun and Moon...but never her.
„Julia please...put it down and than you can distract me from the endo okay?"
My voice was definitely not soothing her as she cried even more. She was put in a tight spot. Killing a friend to save her daughter, but knowing well that she will be the cause of many more deaths. For her daughter it wouldn't matter though. Because a normal mother would do anything to save her child or to keep it alive.
„I...I can't Y/N...he will know when I don't kill you. He will know when and than he will kill my daughter!"

I couldn't see her expression but she must be looking conflicted and desperate. The endo was already connected and now the only thing I had to do was to cut the cables ones Afton would be stuck inside this body. But than her words repeated in my mind. Everything clicked together. Her sister. The one that died and lost all her children. Afton knowing Julia way to good. So good that he can manipulate her to do things she doesn't
„Julia...are you...his sister in law?"
She kept quiet but the grip on the knife strengthened. So that's how she had connections and power despite her low technician paid job. That's why she was used to hear my plans and didn't freak out. That's why she helped me. Because back than Afton wanted me to be his experiment.

Than what did she truly think of me? What was her real personality? My mouth opened, but I was scared to ask her. Afraid that I will hear something that could shatter me completely. But I had to ask. To buy time. It helped with Vanessa back than so maybe it helped this time as well.
„Tell me please...did you truly view me as a friend? Or was that all a facade to lure me deeper into the job so you could give me to this monster?"
Her crying stopped and the anger and sadness spoke louder as her words.
„Of course I do! At first I wanted to get closer to you because you brought me my daughter back...but than I got to know you! You...are my friend...way before he instructed me to keep you no matter what happens inside this Pizzaplex..."

So all those things she let slide because of the order from him? I was relieved that she was truly my friend and that this wasn't all a play, but the knife reminded me that this wasn't just a conversation.
„So why did you let me burn it down? Why did you not stop me?"
„I...I couldn't...I couldn't dare to see you in tears after all of what happened. I couldn't see you cry anymore..."
Her words sounded now like she was talking to a child and not a friend.
„I saw you, traumatized from life, and I knew what I had to do to help...and I expected you to burn him down as well so I agreed..."
„...But than he came back..."
I added slowly and I could hear her gritting teeth.

„He wasn't mad...he congratulated me for thinking higher as he did and told me where to get you get you to work with AI's while he could watch from...Freddy's chip."
Guilt was building up inside me. She did gave me the letter. The paper on which the job stood. She knew I wouldn't choose anything besides working with Artificial Intelligence. If I let only Freddy's chip inside the Pizzaplex...
„But how could he had managed to contact you?"
The knife got slowly away from my neck and I turned around to look into her panicking eyes that stared to the ground.
„I was ordered to have a back up from his being inside my watch..."
No...even if I let Freddy die forever, he would have still managed to escape.

Sundrop/Moondrop x Y/N part 3Where stories live. Discover now