Late night talk

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Michael came back in the middle of the night. Gregory and I were watching movies and series all night, till he finally fell asleep. I should know that giving a kid sugar is not something you should do if you wanna have an easy life, but I think he needed that. Something sweet and feeling at peace with himself. I was however surprised that Ennard carried Michael in his arms into his room. They were both definitely not clean and full of dirt and mud. I put gently a blanket over Gregory and stood up. Eclipse is still charging, so it was boring to watch movies without talking to someone. Ennard pointed at the kitchen and we walked together inside, closing the door behind us.
„Did he try to run away?"
„No, but he did tell me that you keep him inside this tiny house all day long."

He huffed and leaned against the cupboards.
„We can't trust him to not run away."
„Does he run away from school?"
„If he would, he knew that he could never go out ever again."
„So you wanna be the bad stepmother who locks their child inside a room with no way of communicating with other humans?"
„No wonder he hates it here."
Ennards hands clench into the boards, but his eyes don't say anything about anger.
„I'm not good at handling teenagers, but he is devastated that you won't accept him as he is."
„And what is your solution smart ass?"
„Treat him like Gregory and not Michaels brother."

The clock was ticking in the background as loud as the silence. I can't see what is going on inside Ennards head, but he must also feel that what Michael doing is wrong.
„Look. We aren't humans. We function differently as you do."
„Michael was a human before."
„He is dead now."
„That doesn't excuse your treatment against Gregory."
„We aren't good with kids, especially me. I hate those screaming garbage disposals."
„ know what? Gregory said you are weekly on outings. How about I take care of Gregory and bring him under people that are still alive and sane?"
„I would gladly accept, but it's Michaels decision wether to let him roam around or let him stay here."

That way, he will never learn basic human interaction skill for the future.
„See it like that: You can be alone with Michael and talk about some private stuff. Surely you can't speak freely since Gregory and Eclipse are still here?"
„Me and him have nothing to discuss."
„Not even the past mistakes?"
Ennard flinched by my words, lowering his head.
„...I'm glad that he trusts me at least a little. I don't dare to ask for more."
„What if he just waits that you talk about it?"
He looked at me for a minute, before sighing and opening the door.
„This is my problem to deal with, so stop this manipulative behavior before you will act like me."
„Hey, I'm not manipulating anyone!"

He rolled his eyes and pushed me out of the shack. Is that the thanks I get for taking care of Gregory? Not only is it cold, but really dark as well. I'm thankful that the night sky is bright or else I might have not find my way home. Hopefully Sun and Moon are already asleep. I promised them to be back shortly, but here I am, coming home in the middle of the night. The key wasn't even half turned, when the door was already opened by Sun. He looked panicked to me and closed me in a hug after taking my keys and closing the door. I hugged him back, thankful for the warmth.
„Sorry for being late."
„W-what were you thinking!?! What if someone tried to kidnap you o-or if you would have gotten hurt!"

His hands tightened in my back, but I nearly couldn't even feel the pain.
„I'm sorry Sun. I have a lot of favors open and want to fulfill those."
„Mmm...b-but why did you go outside!? It is dangerous!!"
„Not as dangerous as your hug."
„I am serious Y/N! You could have been kidnapped o-or even worse!"
„Okay, I promise not to go at night out even though it is faster to see you again."
„...h-how long would you have been gone if you wouldn't come this night back?"
„I would have come in the morning, packing my stuff and than go with my brother."
„So you came earlier home so we can still spend time?"

Sundrop/Moondrop x Y/N part 3Where stories live. Discover now