Cooling down

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I can't believe we kissed the whole day till we fell asleep. I know we didn't see each other for long, but my embarrassment has reached it's max! I don't even want to get up and see myself in the mirror. Or get up and have the chance of waking someone else up. Moon is way to violent for my own good. I can't feel my lips or my neck anymore...ugh. Surely the marks won't disappear till tomorrow. I wanted to go today to the job interview, but thanks to those two, I can't anymore. Maybe that was their plan. If the job won't fit, than maybe I will be a caretaker. I got experience thanks to the daycare after all. Although, dealing with those screams and nagging again is definitely not pleasant.
Sun opened his eyes slowly, rubbing the sleeping dust out of them.

„Morning Sun."
„Is it morning? It's so bright..."
„Because it's lunch time already."
He stared at me for a second, before blushing and turning around.
„I-I-I'm so sorry about yesterday! I-I didn't know what came over me!"
I chuckled at little about his honesty, till Moon wrapped his hands around me, snuggling up close.
„We did went a little overboard with keeping you in our grasp for so long..."
„A little? What will happen once you will go overboard for a lot?"
„That won't happen."
„Should I be scared?"
„Not if you won't stay away from us so long..."

I didn't really think that this would be hard on Sun and Moon. Surely they have missed me, but going to the point of not letting go at all yesterday is a bit to much. But I don't want to argue about that right now.
„I-is your neck a-alright?"
„Funny question for someone who bit down the most."
He hid his face in his hands, even though me and Moon couldn't see it to begin with. Talking about him, he has no shame at all. I can already sense that smug smile of his without looking into his face.
„But you aren't denying that it felt good."
„Do you think it feels good to be a chewing item? My neck looks probably worse as that of a dead human who's throat got slit!"

I sighed loudly and tried to build up the strength to sit up, which wasn't working due to Moons stubbornness to hold me down with cuddles.
„I think your neck looks lovely like that."
„Well I don't think so. Sun does my neck look red?"
He turned reddened to us, slowly nodding.
„Y-you should go a-and look in a mirror..."
„If these marks stay for more than today, I swear on my damned job interview that you both will face consequences."
„What kind of?"
„I'm still thinking...maybe about non touching? You seemed to love that one in the daycare."
Moon let go of me immediately, thinking back to the past. Even Sun turned unsure around, laying further away.

Are they really that touch deprived that they are scared of this?
„C-can't it be another punishment? Any kind is fine..."
„C-could we at least hold hands? O-or cuddle?"
„How are you supposed to learn to not make the same mistakes again if you aren't feeling the consequences?"
„Wasn't it punishment enough to stay away from you so long?"
He was only naggingly saying it, but it stroke a nerve inside me. I was already tired from the sleep deprivation and nightmares I got while I was away from Sun and Moon, but oh no! HE had to suffer?? Sun seemed to notice that my mood was drastically changing from tired to angry.

„M-maybe we should just hope that the marks disappear till tomorrow! R-right?"
„Oh you should hope and pray that those things won't be visible anymore."
„Why are you even embarrassed about it? Isn't that just a sign that we love you??"
„Uhm, Moon...I don't think right now is a good timing!"
I clenched my fists together and sat up, crawling over the bed to stand up.
„I wanted to go to the job interview today, but thanks to your lust, I can't. We need money to keep having food on the table."
Moon sat up immediately as well, while Sun hid halfway behind the blanket.
„Our lust?! Are you serious?!? We are just showing our love!"

Sundrop/Moondrop x Y/N part 3Where stories live. Discover now