New Years resolution

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It was quiet in the car once we departed. Chris didn't really say anything to this matter more and my sisters were to afraid to talk. Seeing our brother shouting as violent as our parents did, it was clear to say that they developed a trauma through this. I don't know about Chris, but I always try to get out if someone grabbed me by the arm. Or by the neck. Or I twitch when it's getting to loud. I don't know if it's his older brother sensor saying that he cannot show emotions or if he really surpassed the trauma. I get it that he is angry that I'm dating two killers who show no remorse, but they aren't like that. Moon would probably get a break down if he sees one of the children he helped kidnapping and Sun would have another panic attack if he saw the ones he killed accidentally.

I still can't believe that it hasn't even been half a year that the donkeys are in prison. It feels like years of freedom. The fact that they will be back in only a few years even with so much evidence is scary...I have to save up enough money for Sun and Moon so they can live somewhere save. My guilt is weighing to hard as I could also flee forever from the fact that I am a witness of so many crimes. Chris won't sit down on this fact for long as well. We both know that there needs to be a culprit for everything. And I will need to fill this place. Alone the thought that I will be away from my siblings, Sun and Moon is making my heart ache. I shouldn't think about those unhappy thinks now! The only thing that is important right now is that I spent time with my siblings here and now.

I was more than amazed once we reached the apartment. It wasn't small or crappy, but really big. The dining and eating room are together as one, but the living room is also only separated through a sliding door. I knew he had to buy a good apartment so all three of them could have a room on their own, but this is more than surprising that he found one that is this good. It also isn't looking like a last minute finding through the internet. Did they move again without telling me? Or...did he look for an apartment even before we tossed our parents into prison?
„Amazed to see that your big brother is achieving more in life?"
„I can tell that you wanted to put an 'as you do?' On your theoretical question."
Chris smiled and tussled my hair. I wanted to cut him off, but the bags in my hands are to heavy to do that.

He had a spare room free, most likely because he searched for four people and not three. The room itself was just as big as mine and even the view outside to the city is nice. It doesn't feel real to stand in here. How did my brother manage to get so high while I stood low by his side...? He was the parent we never had, but who was on his side? Me, Laura and Hailey tried to calm him whenever he was down, but it never worked or just barely did anything. Chris is the strong one, but also the successful one. He achieved safety and happiness for us all. I stared out of the window, letting my thoughts consume me whole.
I turned around to Chris and smiled. He wasn't smiling though. His eyes were filled with judgement and sadness.

„We have to talk."
„I know...but even if you beg me, I cannot tell you everything. Even if you would threaten Sun and Moon, I couldn't dare to say all the secrets I have."
He huffed, crossing his arms together.
„I know that much. You are more loyal than anything."
„Thank you for understanding."
„Please just be as honest as possible."
„How about we talk about this once Laura and Hailey are asleep? And enjoy a few drinks while we are at it?"
„You and drinking? You never fail to surprise me these days."
„I need liquor to give me courage to speak up."
It's not like I love to drink, but the heating feeling in one's stomach makes it more bearable to get over with everything.

To my brothers unlucky situation though, it is the last day of the year. And as that, we will celebrate till midnight. My sisters won't be able to stay awake long after midnight, but he still has to wait long for my answers. It's funny to think that we spent last year praying that our misery would end and here we are. Me and my brother opened the wine while my sisters drank their soda.
„What do you think we should wish now for the impossible to happen?"
Laura clenched her hands on the cup while looking up to us all. Hailey seemed not to think to hard about this, but Chris gave me a side eye. He wants justice to happen, just like all the other years before. I wish I could pray for the safety for all of us, but I get the feeling that next year will be tougher than what we put behind us.

Sundrop/Moondrop x Y/N part 3Where stories live. Discover now