Being back (little nsfw)

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This one and a half week with my sibling was wonderful, but I did miss Sun and Moon a lot. It was so busy that I couldn't even call one time back. Hopefully they won't be all to mad at me. Or will ignore me as revenge. At one end I wished that the time could fly away, but at the other end, I wanted to spent as much time with my siblings as possible. Who knows when I wouldn't be busy so we could meet up again? Tomorrow I must give Julia a call to tell her where exactly I will be trying to get the new position. I didn't tell my brother any more that was necessary to stop him from asking questions. He does know that I will step up for my crime once everything is settled, but he promised not to tell anyone. Which is good. I don't want to see Sun and Moon worry more as they may already have.

I couldn't keep down my heart once I opened the door slowly. It was early in the morning when my brother brought me back here, so maybe they are still asleep? I hope they didn't miss me to much the last one and a half weeks. Maybe I should make breakfast while they are still asleep! When I looked in the fridge, my heart froze. Most of the stuff I bought before I went with my brother is still here...did they...not eat regularly? Some ingredients are gone like eggs or flour, but the cheese, salami and other stuff is still untouched. Maybe they don't like it and eat vegan? They ate the eggs and sausage though...what if they didn't even eat once a day?! I wish to run up and to be mad at them, but who am I kidding? I can't blame them for not thinking of eating or adapting to be a human completely. They didn't eat because of me...hopefully.

Since there was still much left, I took the time and cooked them scrambled egg with toast. Getting enough money to pay for living expense's and my brothers rent might be hard. I could ask Sun and Moon if they would be ready to start with a job, but therefore we would need to fake more things. And I'm not sure if I will even get the position that I want. What if they won't take me? What if I can't afford to take care of us all? The money I have left won't even feed us till next month. And I don't want them to hunger because of me. It isn't fair if they should hunger once they have developed a feeling for it. I wish everything could just go according our plan...
Sun and Moon stood like frozen up at the doorframe. I smiled at them and put the stove off.

„Good morning! Do you want your toast with butter or without it?"
They didn't give me any answer. Are they mad it took so long? Or that I never called?
„Chris didn't let me call you since we all were very busy! I'm sorry for worrying you..."
Sun had tears running down his face as Moon punched himself.
„You're real...?"
The pain in his hopeless voice broke me. It was horrible to see Sunny cry, but whenever Moons voice drops like this, I know that both of them are close to a breakdown. I ran up to them and hugged as strongly as I could. The tears were making my hair and face wet. Their hands were grasping on my back as it was their only hope of coming back to reality.

We stood minutes like this, till Moon broke the hug to kiss me. He put his hands on my cheeks, moving his tongue in my mouth up and down. I couldn't even come to have a quick break after Sun took immediately over once Moon let him. Their eyes are so fixated on feels like emotional daggers stabbing through my heart. I'm not even home for one hour and they have to make my body like this?! I missed them as well, but why doing this now?? Sun let go and before they could continue, I hold my both my hands in front of my mouth.
I wanted to make them laugh, but all they did was to hug me. They didn't even say sorry.
„I don't want to wake up..."
„Me neither...I just want to stay like this forever."

What is wrong with them? I pinched both of their cheeks and stepped a little back.
„Can you stop creeping me out and give me a decent conversation? I missed you two!"
„Please tell us we are not dreaming..."
„Do I need to pinch you one more time?"
„So you are back...?"
„R-really? You won't disappear if we turn around or close our eyes?"
„Do you want me to disappear?"
Than I won't. Can you go back to normal now and hug me without breaking each bone in my body?"

Sundrop/Moondrop x Y/N part 3Where stories live. Discover now