The night (Intersex female male NSFW 18+)

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It was going as planned. Y/N waited for this opportunity like a hunter to take it's prey. It was a mental burden to not be able to continue further, but tonight? Oh tonight they would show Sun and Moon what it really means to be under someone. Convincing them to wash them throughly was hard enough to manage, but it was for „practice" so they knew how it feels to be stretched out by something. Y/N wasn't in the shower with neither of them, but both were a little red after coming out and it is not to assume that this was only because the water was hot. The more tricky part is to tie Sun and Moon down to the bed. Cause Moon would be definitely trying to get out of that situation. So when all three stood inside their bedroom, it was time to act like the plan.

Y/N walked slowly up to Sun and whispered something in his ear, hoping it will be quiet enough for Moon to not hear.
„I wanna get revenge on Moon. Can you hold him to bed while I tie him down? Pretty please?"
Sun blushed and stuttered immediately while looking down to his partner.
„S-s-Sunshine! I-I uh- I'm-„
He looked to Moon and than back to them. Yet he slowly nodded with a red face and pushed Moon to bed with a bear hug. He however tried immediately with an annoyed expression to get out of Sunset grip.
„Sun! This isn't time to hug around!"
„Y-yes it is! Hugging is the best dopamine!"
„No it's not and you know that!"
They quickly started to bicker around all while Y/N got two scarfs. With a red face they started to take one of Moons hand and tie him down to the bed.

He finally seemed to notice the plan and tried to move his hands towards the scarfs, but Sun hold him strictly in place.
„I am terribly sorry Moon, but our dear Y/N wants to try something!"
„Why aren't you than the test subject!"
„Because this is my revenge on you Moon for kissing me at your workplace. And I did say I wanted to have the cook and the waiter right?"
Both stopped working to act or think as their hands tied Moon to the bed pretty tightly. Even with his enhanced strength due to the endoskeleton in his body, he wouldn't be able to tear that fabric off without breaking it. And since those are their clothes, he wouldn't dare to destroy them. Cause clothes are pricy as he had to notice very soon.

Y/N stared at both of them that seemed still out of it and slowly used the chance to push Sun a little off of Moon to tie him up as well. He snapped out of his trance but didn't try to stop them.  Instead he just watched in awe and widened eyes.
„B-b-but how are we supposed to touch you! You are the only one that can touch us!"
Sun gave off a weakly sounding sentence, not really being against it, but the fact that his partner could do whatever they wanted without any interference made him feel a little uneasy. Moon snapped out of his trance now as well and tried to get out of the scarf without damaging it.
„Oh come on! I know it was my fantasy but-..."
Moon broke off his sentence, staring right at his partner in surprise rather than in confusion. He got bright red at his cheeks and started to stutter.

„W-wait- I- you- so tying us to your bed is your fantasy??"
Sun looked baffled to Moon as if he had just realized it thanks to him and his words what his Sunshine wanted to do. And that they weren't so innocent as they had thought they would be.  Their face got red and looked nervous away.
„S-so what if it is?? I can stop if it is really bothering you..."
„T-that's not what Moon probably meant! I-I mean it is just...surprising that you like this stuff?"
„It is true that we never discussed interests in bed might have lead to our first night sooner than later, but it's not really a bad thing. I just hate that I can't touch you."
Moon looked pouting away as Sun was looking embarrassed and shy up at their partners face.

It was maybe a bit far fetched for the first night, but Y/N didn't wanted to keep so many secrets from their partners. And Moon definitely still needed his punishment for it. They slowly raised Moons shirt up and stroke softly with their hand over his chest. His breath hitched and the scarf in which his hands were tied was shaking.
„Does that count? You basically touch me back with your body."
Moon looked annoyed up at them.
„That's not how it works and you know it!"
„Well if you don't want to be touched by Sunshine than I will call dips!"
Both looked at Sun surprised. He was smiling shyly while staring at Y/N which was sitting between them. Since Moon isn't really honest, they nodded and focused their attention on Sun.

Sundrop/Moondrop x Y/N part 3Where stories live. Discover now