Goodbye for a while

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It was hard to even wake up. The sun was rising way to early and thanks to my brother who couldn't wait to pick me up, I had less sleep than ever before. None. I was so embarrassed about the talk we three did that I couldn't fall asleep. The only thing that could rest was my body. Chris would be soon here and I didn't even pack my stuff. I tried to get out of the hugs I received, yet it was impossible. Sunny is still asleep and even though Moon pretends to be, I know that he is awake. That sly grin of his can't hide behind his closed eyes after all.
„Moon I have to pack my things."
„Just cuddle with us more..."
„I don't want my brother to storm inside and see us like this!"
„Like what? It's normal to cuddle in a relationship."

He is not wrong, but I know my brother. If he would ever see me like this, he would be angry at me since I found my partners sooner as he did. And he was already angry when he stormed in on us nearly kissing.
„We won't be able to see you for so long, so let us please have this moment still with you?"
I sighed and cuddled closer to him. Knowing Moons attachment issues and Suns loneliness, it will be not a good week for them.
„Only for a few minutes."
„And we can't come with you?"
I looked up to him and smiled apologizing.
„I told you both that sometimes I need time for myself and after all of this chaos, I want to spend time with my siblings, alone."

He kissed me gently and bumped my head with his.
„I understand just...please be careful."
„You don't have to worry so much! I will always stay with my siblings and won't go outside at night, okay?"
„I just wish there wouldn't be a reason to worry."
„Take the time with Sun to go around and check out places where we three could go later on! That way, you can enjoy the freedom!"
„There is no freedom without you two by my side..."
„Aww Moon! You are so kind and sweet nowadays!"
„Since when are you awake??"
„Since Y/N said we can go exploring!"
Sunny cuddled on us and smiled brightly. I will miss's our hugs the next few days. Moon groaned and hid his face in the pillow.

After really heavily getting out of the hugs, I packed my stuff. Chris is always way to early, so he must be here in a few minutes. I shushed Sun and Moon to make breakfast, because if my brother is too early, we can say that we were just eating. Laura and Hailey surely have nothing against a second breakfast. Once everything was packed, I head downstairs and wanted to help preparing the breakfast, but sadly Moon didn't let me. He forced me to sit down and to watch how they both make breakfast. I don't like to be spoiled so much...I wanna also help out as long as I can...Sunny noticed my sulking and giggled.
„Please light up Sunshine! The breakfast will be ready in no time!"
„But I also want to help!"
„Nah ah. You barely couldn't sleep tonight, so relax before you have to go."

It is relaxing to watch Sun and Moon making scrambled eggs and pancakes, but aren't they making to much? Do they really plan my siblings in as well? But eating salty and sweet things together? This will upset my stomach later, but they work so hard to make breakfast, so I will eat all I can. Just as the food was finished, the doorbell rang. I went to open the door and got another bunch of hugs from my sisters.
„We missed you so SO much!"
„Aww, I missed you two as well."
I looked up to Chris who was trying to hide his smile, yet it was impossible for him to do so.
„You came to early."
„What? Oh no, that was totally not my plan at all!"

His sarcasm echoed in the whole house, which made me laugh.
„Sun and Moon made breakfast, so how about you join in for a while?"
„I wanted us to go straight ahead and-„
„Your friends??"
„Jippie! Your friends are here!"
They stormed into the kitchen, just to come back clinging onto me seconds later. I looked to Chris who chuckled.
„You didn't tell them they changed their appearance?"
„Did I have to?"
„Unbelievable of you."
He shrugged his shoulders, not giving off any glimpse of being sorry.

Sundrop/Moondrop x Y/N part 3Where stories live. Discover now