Babysitting for Gregory

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By the end of the week, I was willingly staying with Gregory. Not only because I wanted to see Eclipse again, but because I needed a little bit of free time away from Sun and Moon. It's always to cold for Moon to go outside so we always stay inside the house on the weekends. Except if we buy groceries, but Moon gets cold really easily. Sun on the other hand would love to play inside the snow all day. Neither of them liked that I spent time with Gregory instead of them, but they refused to come with me when I asked. Maybe they are working their job in the meantime...I still was a little disappointed, but we didn't talk about that again. Most likely because whenever we try, that there is this weird aura or barrier that prevents us from doing so. And if we want to talk about that, we also can't talk.

I knocked on Michaels shack and waited for him to open the door. Instead of him, Gregory opened it as Michael was pacing back and forth as Ennard tried to calm him down with his human disguise inside the living room.
„They are busy packing since this morning."
Gregory sighed and let me in as I could hear what Michael and Ennard talked about.
For the sake of my poor hearing functions, can you finally shut up and stop talking?"
„No! We need to get our hands on it before someone else does!"
„And you need to chill out a lot. Especially when your babysitter is here."
Michael looked to the door and than to me as he smiled awkwardly and walked up to me.
„Sorry Y/N, didn't see you there. Are you sure you can take care of Gregory for so long? You have work as well after all..."

I smiled at Michael and nod. He seems to be really wanting to get the parts if he is so focused on talking that he doesn't notice the door. He normally would flinch at the first noise he hears.
„It's fine. He is in school after all and I can work some extra hours on the weekend when Sun or Moon could look after him."
„They will?"
„They must."
I didn't tell Sun and Moon yet that we might have Gregory inside our house for at least a week. I would just spent the time here for a week, but being apart from them more than a day is dangerous. Not for my safety...yet, but their feelings would be suffering through that. I'm sure they are fine with it when I give them the only two options that are available.

Gregory sighed and walked back into his room as Ennard gave Michael a huge backpack, pushing him literally out of the shack as he closed the door before Michael could get back in. He banged against the door, telling Ennard to open up, but he only crossed his arms and looks down to me.
„Everything going good still?"
„The soul problem."
I flinched and looked away from him. It's been weeks and he still remembers? The banging against the door was loud, but not like the silence I gave as an answer. He sighed and leaned closer to me with a threatening tone.
„This is a friendly advise: run. Run or get killed."
It didn't feel like he only talked about the soul problem, but about what else could he refer to? I slowly nod as he walked out of the door, dragging Michael with him.

I looked nervous to the door, contemplating wether I should follow Ennard and ask him or if I should just ignore what he said. It was just like last time as well. Is he hiding something from Michael that he can only tell me? I wasn't sure. Heck, I wasn't sure of anything anymore. I sighed and walked up to Gregory in his room. I can ask Ennard later once he got back. I'm sure that he only tried to scare me...I hope he only wanted to scare me...My eyes wandered inside the quiet room as Gregory shook Eclipse in his cage up and down. I chuckled and sat down next to Gregory as he didn't look up at me.
„Do I have to really spent time with you and...the others?"
He must be still scared of Moon. I mean I would be scared when I would be chased down by an animatronic that intends to kill me.

„Yes. You will be mostly at school and some time home alone with Sun or Moon. Eclipse surely can keep you company."
„I do not agree to such plan. Make him go away inside a van."
„Hey!! I Said no talking false shit!"
Gregory shook Eclipse inside the cage as his endoskeleton clattered against the cage. He stopped shaking after a while and Eclipse only sighed annoyed and turned away from us. Guess at least someone didn't change. I chuckled and shook my head.
„Well have no choice but to come with us. I promised Bonnie to make sure you are inside that cage for a long time."
Eclipse stayed quiet at that what confused me and Gregory.

Sundrop/Moondrop x Y/N part 3Where stories live. Discover now