Talk about death

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I pushed Moon away once Sun let go off me.
„Brother I can explain-„
„EXPLAIN?!? You just lost your lovers and already fuck around with someone else?!"
„As if we would allow Y/N to take anyone else besides us."
„That voice...what...?"
I slapped my bare hand against my forehead.
„Brother, Chris...I knew about the fire before you even called."
„What the fuck is going on?"
„It's difficult to explain..."
„I have enough time. Tell me why so many strangers are in our house and WHY you fuck around with two men I have never seen before."

My eyes wandered to Moon who gulped and looked away. One of my worries did happen after all.
„I'm really sorry, but we can't tell you all the details about how we escaped the Pizzaplex."
„...You sound like Sun..."
„Because I am! We all escaped out of their before the fire got us."
„How do you look so...human?"
„We can't say to much, but we got humanoid bodies so we can live our life's as humans."
„The other Glamrocks will go out of the house once we settle everything with job and living situation. Can you please let us live here all in peace till we did that?"
„Give me a second."
He turned away, leaning against the doorframe. I looked nervous to Sun and Moon, who seem more confident as I am right now.

„If you were there when the fire began, you must have seen you laid it. Why didn't you call help?"
„I...couldn't let others see that I snuck them one was injured in the fire, so why should it have mattered?"
„You were at a crime scene! Do you really think the fire was an accident?!"
„Than why didn't you call anyone?!"
Because we were the cause of the fire. Me and Michael put an end to this misery. An end to this psychopathic killer. But telling Chris the truth now, after all that happened? I don't think my heart can take it. Just like remembering that Chris just stumbled inside and caught us kissing.
„...W-we wanted to get into safety first."
„It was safe enough when you got out!"
„No it was NOT!"

Sun stood up and placed himself in front of us.
„What would have happened if we got caught outside the Pizzaplex that was burning?! We would have died!"
„You might not know the constant fear of getting erased when you go against the rules, but we did. And we wanted to be somewhere safe with disguise and live our life's. Is it that hard for you to understand?"
I know they don't lie. I know it was one of the many fears they all had, but that isn't the answer Chris needed to be satisfied. He might feel guilty, but not like he would drop the topic.
„No I don't, but why didn't you call after you were safe?"
„Like I said, we needed disguises before we could do anything."

I don't see Chris's expression well, but it doesn't seem like he will give up any time soon. He is a lawyer and therefore for justice, but he can't lock me up now! I didn't tell anyone about this, but once everything is settled, I will take the blame for arson. That's the best as a thanks for going through all of this trouble. Even my brother wouldn't make an exception for me. He chooses first and foremost justice and after that, his family. He wouldn't care about me doing the right thing if the law declines it.
„You could have called after the whole thing was over!"
„For what? Someone already called before we were safe. It doesn't matter."
„Well it matters to me! And how did you even get those quality disguises in such a short time?"

Because they are the corpses of my dead colleagues and burglars. Obviously I can't say that.
„I have a friend outside of work, remember?"
„May I see this friend of yours?"
„He is sleeping after helping us all to escape."
Probably. He must be asleep right now. Or at least tries to around Gregory.
„Can you even hear what you are saying?! Where is that sense of justice of yours??"
„Brother I have still the sense of justice, but the real world is not in white and black."
„I know that!"
„So WHY are you disregarding my RIGHTFUL actions to save peoples life's?!"
„Because they are not humans!"
I stood up and glared angry at me, but Moon hold me off.

Sundrop/Moondrop x Y/N part 3Where stories live. Discover now