Graveyard visit

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It has been one week since you left with your siblings. Sun and Moon both didn't know how to spare time without thinking about you. The nights felt empty without you in their arms. The food that tasted so wonderful was now only a source for energy. Even seeing the outside is not as enjoyable when you are not with them. It was fun seeing the outside without hiding, but it would have been even better if you were with them. Even once Sun and Moon searched up what their reactions meant, they wanted to be with you, despite the fact that the shame risen in their faces for a whole day. It feels like a part of them is gone. Like nothing mattered anymore. They felt it already before, but back than, the feeling wasn't as drastic. When you were gone for two weeks in the was the same feeling they feel now.

Moon cooked up some eggs to eat while Sun stared out at the sunset. Even this became boring without you. Moon loved to cook you breakfast whenever he got the chance to, but now he just stares at the boiling water.
„Do you think they will be back soon?"
„I don't know...the days that are still ahead feel like they won't change at all."
All emotions are numbed without you by their side. It felt like the time before they met you. Even before the time they got to be daycare attendants. The only thing they feel right now is emptiness. Maybe it's because they felt how it's like to be a human, to feel and love like one, that they miss you even more as before. They never knew that a week without you is so unbearable. They thought they would miss you, but not to the extent of not being able to live normally.

To make matters worse, you haven't called at all. They waited for the first half of the week for it, but gave up hope once nothing changed. They don't have the number of your brother and your phone got destroyed inside the fire of the Pizzaplex. If only they could hear your voice a little...oh how it would ease their worries and their pain. You must be to busy enjoying the time with your siblings. Sun understood it completely, considering you rarely see them, but Moon felt jealousy. Why is it that you can be perfectly fine without calling and without worrying about them and only focus on your siblings? He knows this jealousy is not good, even more because it is for a stupid reason. They will have you again in one week, but the time is so hard to pass. At least they hope it will be only a few more days. Your brother did say it were at least one and a half week.

It was a great risk to hope for that you will be sooner back, but what else are they supposed to do? Trying to find you while knowing you need your space? Waiting for you to come back is worse as to watch how the virus took control.
„Do you think they enjoy their time with their siblings?"
„Why else would they not be back yet?"
„M-maybe because something happened?"
Moon sighed, not knowing how to respond to that. He swore not to worry as much as Sun, yet here he stands, worrying as much as he does.
„Their brother would have called if that would be the case."
„W-what if they all got injured and couldn't?"
Sun looked back to Moon, who turned the stove off.

„We listen to the news daily. Nothing happened to them and they will be back in a few days."
Moon didn't even believe his own words. Surely you will be back...but what if you decide to be rather with your siblings as them? What if you chose your family over your partners? Alone the thought throbs his heart. He doesn't even want to think about this possibility. That you left them alone. That you reconsidered everything or have found a better partner. Someone who might be fully human...
„Can we go visit the graveyard Moon?"
„...and why?"
Sun looked guilty down, fiddling with his finger nails.
„Because I want to see how a grave looks!"
„Y/N has a computer for that. Tell me the real reason."

Sun sighed, walking up to Moon to hug him. He accepted the hug confused, but also hugged him back.
„ you still remember the first time we went outside with sunshine?"
Moon was confused why you brought this up. It has been months since the first time they got outside and also the first time, that they felt love. How could he not remember it?
„Obviously. We were so excited, especially you. You couldn't keep your voice down."
„Ha ha...I wanna look if there is someone lying that was important to Y/N. They acted strangely about this area, so surely they know someone on there."
„Even if that might be true, do you think we would recognize who that important person was?"

Sundrop/Moondrop x Y/N part 3Where stories live. Discover now