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Zee's POV

I walked out of the office , sighing. I walked towards my desk , plopping down on my seat.

"How did it go ?" Asked Max.

"It wasn't good enough for him.." I said as I plopped my head down on my desk.

"Hey .. you are doing great .. susu .." said Prem as I sigh , getting up. I then sat up , rubbing my temple.

"You can do this Zee !" Said Max as he pat my back. I sigh , looking at the computer.

"At this rate , I might die." I thought.

- later -

"Everyone~" I looked up from my computer seeing a guy with ash grey hair , walking in.

"Aow , Nat , what's up ?" Asked Prem.

"Well , Khun Nu wanted me to tell you all that today's company dinner will be at Makisan , it'll be at 8pm na so don't be late .." he said as everyone cheered. I frown in confusion , looking around as I turned to Max who was staring fondly at the guy.

"Max .." I said as he sigh happily , ignoring my call.

"Max !" I called out loudly making him jump.

"What ? What happened ?" He asked making me frown.

"Why were you staring at that Nat guy like that ?" I asked.

"Like what ? I did not stare .. pft .." he said , rubbing his neck nervously making me chuckle.

"What's with the sudden company dinner ?" I asked.

"Oh right , before every project , we will have a company dinner .. it's like a encouragement for the team to fight on .." said Max as I nod.

"Will Khun Nu come ?" I asked.

"Well he rarely comes , he would usually just book a restaurant for us and pay for us in advance .." said Max and I nod. He then packed up his stuff as I sat there.

"You coming ?" He asked making me nod , getting up as I packed my bag.

We all arrived at the restaurant. I took a seat next to Max and soon saw three empty seats.

"Who's seats are those for ?" I asked making Max shrugged his shoulders.

"Do you think it's boss ?" Asked Prem.

"Don't be silly , he would never come to a company dinner .." denied Max and soon footsteps was heard making all of us turn. I turn to see Khun Nu , Nat and that Rain guy , walking towards us.

"Is everyone here ?" Asked Khun Nu as Prem stood up.

"Y-Yes boss !" She said. Khun Nu then sigh , walking to the one seat in the middle next to me while Khun Nu's secretary and Rain sat beside Prem. I then turned to Max slightly.

"I thought you said he wouldn't come .." I whispered.

"Don't worry , this is my first time seeing boss here." He whispered back making me gulped my saliva.

Nunew's POV.

I sigh as Rain then chuckle , getting up from his seat.

"Well hello everybody , it's great to see everyone here , today is going to be a good day with great food , so do enjoy yourself and let's work hard for our next project na !" He exclaimed as everyone cheered. He sat down , turning to me.

"Anything to say , teerak ?" He asked as I look at him coldly making him look away , clearing his throat.

"You all can enjoy tonight but tomorrow , I want all of you to work hard. Got it ?" I asked.

"Yes boss !" They all said in sync.

"Enjoy." I said as they all smile before they start eating. I then turned to the new employee as he started eating. I grabbed my chopstick , grabbing a piece of salmon , placing it on his plate making him lift his head up shocked. Everyone turned their heads to my direction with a shock expression , seeing my actions.

"Salmon has omega 3 in it. Good for the brain." I said.

"This is so you can work for me better." I said as he looked at me.

"Thank you .." he said as I look away , grabbing a sushi as I ate.

"Here .." said Rain as he placed a piece of sushi on my plate.

"It's to make you sweeter .." he said as I glare at him. I turned to him as Nat gulped his food nervously.

"Do you want to get killed ?" I asked making him choke on his food. Soon my phone rang making me look down to my phone.

"I am going to take this phone call real quick." I said before getting up , walking away.

Zee's POV.

I watch as Nat pat Rain on the back.

"Chew slowly P'Rain .." said Nat as Rain cleared his throat.

"Aow , you are the new guy huh .." said Rain as he looked at me and I smile.

"Krub .." I answered.

"Well I heard you are the in charge of the website .. congratulation." He said.

"Thank you .." I said and soon Khun Nu came back as everyone tensed up.

"Khun Nu , are you not eating already ?" Asked Prem.

"I am full already." He answered as I then frown. I then realized he didn't even eat much. All he ate was two pieces of sushi. He was already skinny but isn't he hungry ?

"I am going to the washroom .." I said as I got up , excusing myself.

I washed my hand and soon the door of the washroom opened making me lift my head up seeing Khun Nu through the reflection. I turned around as he walked towards me.

"Khun Nu .." I said.

"Why did you look at me ?" He asked as he fold his arms.

"S-Sorry ?" I asked.

"I asked .. why did you look at me when I said I was full ?" He asked inching closer towards me making me step back and soon my butt hit the sink.

"You even looked at my plate." He continued and soon stopped in front of me.


"Were you judging me , Khun Zee Pruk ?" He asked and I quickly shook my head.

"I wasn't judging you at all , trust me." I said and he frown.

"Then what is it ?" He asked coldly.

"Better answer me or else." He threatened making me sigh.

"You only had two sushi and you said .. you were full .." I said as he looked at me.

"So ? I am full." He said.

"Well .. I think if you are worried .. about how you look , you shouldn't be .. because you look fine just the way you are now." I said. He stood there looking at me as his eyes softened.

"I'll go back to the table first then .." I said before walking pass him.

Nunew's POV.

He walked out of the washroom , leaving me all alone. I then turned to the mirror , stepping closer as I looked at myself.

"Because you look fine just the way you are now."  I touch my cheeks and soon shake my head.

"Whatever. He doesn't know anything." I said before washing my hands. I fixed myself , clearing my throat as I then walked out of the washroom. I soon stopped my tracks seeing that Zee Pruk guy talking to the rest.

Our Nunew is getting softer with Zee 🥺🥺🥺 Zee is such a caring guyyy ! I NEED A ZEE IN MY LIFE 🥺

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