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Nunew's POV

I swing my legs in the water gently , sighing as the night breeze hits my skin gently. The past few days , all I could do was think of Zee. I barely have the appetite to eat. I couldn't even get good sleep. I would cry myself to sleep every night. Each day past , the weaker I get. The pain that I am feeling in me is unbearable. I didn't know it would hurt this much. I lost Zee. I lost my happiness. I don't know how long I can bear this feeling anymore.

I stare blankly into air as Grandmother and a few maids look at pictures of wedding venues.

"Nunew." I snapped out of my thoughts , turning to Khun Yáy.

"I asked you what you think about this. Do you like it ?" She asked , showing me a weddings venue. I forced a smile , nodding.

"Krub .." I said softly making her smile.

"See , I knew you would like it .." she said as I then look away as she continued talking to the maids. I slowly look down to my ring , touching it.

"I want you to remove that Nhu." She said making me turn to her. She look down to my ring as I did the same.

"He is no longer in your life anymore. So the ring must go." She said.

"Krub ..." I said weakly before sliding the ring off , clutching it tightly as I bite my inner cheek , trying to hold back my tears.

- later -

I look down to my food , having no appetite to eat. I sigh , putting my spoon down as I push the plate away slightly.

"Are you full already , Nhu ?" Asked Khun Yáy as I placed the napkin on the table.

"Yes , please excuse me." I said coldly , without looking at her. I slowly got up but soon a sharp pain struck my head making me stumble , holding the table weakly.

"Nhu !" Exclaimed Khun Yày , standing up as the maids then rushed to me. I sigh , touching my head as I slowly stood up straight.

"I'm fine." I said before walking out of the dining room slowly.

Zee's POV

I sigh , fixing my specs as I leaned against the sofa. I then soon saw a white envelope on the table making me frown. I sat up , reaching for the envelope. I opened it seeing a card in it. I slowly took it out , freezing in my place as I realized what card it was.

 I slowly took it out , freezing in my place as I realized what card it was

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I clutch the card as I then felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see Mae as she smile weakly. I smile , trying to hide the pain I am feeling inside. I let go of the card as she pulled me to her embrace. I hugged her waist , hiding my face on her shoulder as she pat my back , caressing my hair. I sigh , closing my eyes as a tear drop escape from my eyes.

- 1 day before the wedding -

Nunew's POV.

I look out the window , sighing. I then look down to the ring and bracelet in my hand.

"Let's take this bracelet as a sign that I am yours .. and you are mine." I said as he then chuckled.

"I know that there's so many challenges ahead of us but I don't want to give up so easily. I know we've just started our relationship but .. I know deep down that I need you in my life. Without you , I'm nothing." He said as tears rolled down my cheeks.

"I love you and I will not stop loving you. So ... Nunew Chawarin , let's get married na." He said making me chuckle.

Tears rolled down my cheeks as I clutch the two things tightly , bringing it to my chest. I let out a sob , covering my mouth as I cried silently.

"Nhu .." I quickly wiped my tears away , hearing Khun Yáy's voice.

"You should go to bed. Your wedding is tomorrow. You must take enough rest." She said as I gulp my saliva.

"Krub." I said , hanging my head low as I walked past her.

"Wait." She said making me stop my tracks. I could then feel that she was approaching me.

"Thank you for believing in me." She said as tears stream down my cheeks and my lips quivering. I clutch my fist , trying to hold back from breaking down.

"You are the grandchild that I love the most." She said as I breathed shakily.

"And I will do everything to make you happy." She continued making me close my eyes. She then came closer to me making me wipe my tears away.

"Excuse me." I said weakly, walking away before she could touch me. I walked upstairs to my room , closing the door as I leaned against the door. I broke down into tears , sliding down to the floor. I hugged my knees , sobbing as I hide my face in between my knees.

- wedding day -

Zee's POV.

I stare out the window , sitting on my bed as I sigh. Soon there was a knock on my door making me turn to see Mae.

"Zee .. You're friends are here .." she said.

I walked downstairs to see James and the rest in tuxedos. I smile weakly as they all turned to me.

"Yall look great .." I said.

"What are you doing here hm ?" I asked as James look at Max , nodding.

"We are here to take you to the wedding .." said Max making me frown.

"Max ..." I said as he sigh.

"We know that you don't want to see Nunew .. but the reason why we want to bring you there .. because we thought if you both see each other for the last time , it'll help you both to move on." Said James.

"We know you miss him .. and we know Nhu misses you too .." said Fae.

"I don't think it's a good idea .. I am sorry .. I know you're trying to help .. but I don't want to ruin this day for him .. seeing me , he won't be able to move on .." I said.

"Y'all should go ahead before walking out of the house. I sigh , plopping down on the bench. I then felt a hand on my shoulder making me turn to see Mae. She sat beside me , placing her hand on mine.

"Zee .." she said.

"I know it's hard for you to see Khun Nu .. but the best way to finally let go of each other ...is through seeing each other one last time ..." she said as I look at her.

"I know you love him .. I know he loves you as much you do .. it won't hurt to just see him one last time .." she continued.

"Honey .. Love will not go anywhere ... if you both are destined to be together , you both will find your way to each other. No matter what the circumstances." She said and I sigh.

"You know what's best for the both of you .." she said as she kissed the side of my head before getting up , leaving me alone.

Will Zee see Nunew for the last time ? Find out in the next chapter na ❤️

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