Special Chapter 1

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- 2 years later -

Nunew's POV.

"Thank you so much for taking us back , Khun Nu. We are really grateful to be working back here." Said Jen as I nod.

"Welcome back .. and congratulations on your wedding." I said as Korn smile.

"As a apology , here's a gift basket with the essentials needs of a marriage life." I said looking at a gift basket full of household things.

"Thank you so much , Khun Nu .." said Korn as I smile slightly.

"I hope me taking you both back in won't be something I regret doing. If you both messed up , I will fire you." I said , keeping my composure as they both nod.

"We won't let you down !" They both said making me smirk in satisfaction.

Zee's POV

"It's so good to be back !" Said Jen as everyone smile.

"But .. I don't understand .. why would Khun Nu call us back ?" Asked Korn , confused.

"Because he isn't the cold Khun Nu that you all know before .." said Max.

"Aow , really ?" Asked Jen as Prem nod.

"It's all because of someone .." she said as everyone then turned to look at me. I chuckled , shaking my head.

"Ever since Khun Nu found and married his one and only lover , he became the softest person ever." Said Max , teasing me.

It's been two years since me and Khun Nu got married. It was a beautiful wedding that me and Khun Nu has always dreamed of. Our families , our friends and colleagues were there to celebrate  our love. It was really a happy day for the both of us. We vowed to love each other no matter what we faced in the future.

"Okay , enough .. I gotta go .. get back to work .." I said , feeling somehow shy making everyone make teasing noises before walking towards Khun Nu's office.

I opened the door , peeking my head in as Khun Nu looked up from his laptop.

"Teerak .." I said , walking towards him as he rolled his eyes , ignoring me. I raised my eyebrows in confusion before looking at the clock. I chuckled , going around the table as I slowly wrapped my arms around him from the back.

"Are you really going to ignore me ?" I asked as he clicked his tongue , pushing my hands away.

"You're annoying." He said , pouting as he fold his arms making me smile.

"Can you at least tell me what's wrong ?" I asked , folding my arms around him.

"It's been an hour and I still haven't got my kiss from my husband." He pout making me chuckle.

"It's our deal remember. If you don't give me a kiss every hour , I will ignore you." He said , look away making me chuckle.

"You know I can't keep coming to your office every hour just to kiss you , what would other people think hm ?" I asked , kissing his neck.

"Are you embarrassed of me Khun Zee ?" He asked making me chuckle.

"I am never embarrassed .. just that we still need to keep our composure in the office .." I said as he sigh. I then smile softly , turning his chair to make him face me. I kneeled down in front of him , holding his thigh.

"I am sorry okay .." I said , caressing his cheek.

"How can I make it up to you ?" I asked as he looked at me. He then sigh , fixing his posture.

"Kiss me." He said making me look at him.

"That's all ?" I asked.

"You asked me how you can make up to me right ?" He said making me chuckle , nodding.

"So a kiss will stop you from sulking ?" I asked and he hum , nodding.

"Okay then .." I said , lifting myself up , leaning closer to him. I then placed my lips on his gently. I held his waist , angling my head as I deepened the kiss. His hand slowly wrapped around my neck , leaning closer to me as we made out. He grip my hair , pulling on it making me pull away , attaching my lips onto his neck. He threw his head aback as I suck on his neck , leaving small bruises. My hand then went to his button but before I could unbutton it , he grabbed my wrist making me look at him with a frown.

"That's all I need." He said smirking , pecking my lips as I looked at him confused.

"That's all ? You don't want to do it ?" I asked and he shook his head.

"But I want to do it .." I said making him chuckle.

"No can do , Zee Pruk." He said making me frown.

"That's your punishment for not sticking to our deal. So no touching me until I let you to do so." He said.

"Aow , until you let me ?" I asked as he nodded. I then leaned forward , wanting to place my lips on his but he placed his palm on my mouth making me hum.

"No. Bad boy." He said as I sigh , pouting. He then removed his hand away from my mouth , smiling.

"No touching , get it ?" He said as I pout , nodding in defeat. He smile proudly , patting my head.

"That's my husband , ZeeZee .." he said , tapping his finger on my nose. I sigh , getting up as I leaned against the table with my arms folded. He chuckled , getting up from his seat.

"You're really no fun." I said.

"That's because you didn't abide to the rule we have , baby .." he answered and soon there was a knock on door making the both of us turned. The door opened revealing Nat.

"Nhu , it's time for the interview." He said making me frown as I turned to Khun Nu.

"We are recruited a girl , her portfolio wasn't that bad but I want to be sure I want her in the company , I need to interview her." He said as I nod. He then grabbed his things.

"I'll see you later , Teerak." He said , pecking my lips as he left the office. I chuckled as Nat waved to me making me shake my head.

Nunew's POV.

I look at the clock , sighing.

"Nat , where is she ? It's been 5 minutes. You know I hate this type of thing." I said.

"Relax Nhu. She told me she is on the way up." Said Nat as I sigh. Soon the door opened making me and Nat turned to the door. Soon heels clicking was soon heard and a girl wearing a red tight dress came walking in.

"I'm sorry if I am late , I was lost." She said , sitting across me and Nat.

"So you're the one who my admin interviewed before ?" Asked Nat as I look at her.

"That's right .. and I was hoping that you would take me in .. I have always wanted to work here for so long .." she said as I leaned my chin on my palm.

"I have been such a big fan of you , Khun Nu .." she said smirking making me look at her.

Heyheyhey ! Welcome to the special Chapters of 'Always Be Yours' ❤️ this special chapter takes place after both Zee and Khun Nu got married. Their lives as a married couple ❤️🥺 hope you all enjoy na~ ❤️

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