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Earthbread had been ravaged by war and destruction for months as the evil sorceress, Dark Enchantress Cookie, fought against the Five Heroes. The Dark Cacao Kingdom, while its king was protective of its people, was often left in crumbs after every harsh winter and attack from the beasts that roamed the many snowy, chocolate forests.

Within those forests lay several milk villages, where milk Cookies were born healers, with powerful milk magic baked deep in their dough. They were the Dark Cacao Kingdom's greatest asset, apart from its many brave warriors. Their milk magic healed hurt Cookies and was often sought after by those who understood its power.

One of the many Milk Cookies was Oat Milk Cookie: a kind healer who had been taught by her family to always open her arms to those in need.

On one faithful night, those lessons were applied.

There were myths and legends that swept Earthbread as the Dark Flour Wars raged on, made to soothe children at night, and provide hope that salvation would come. One of the many legends was that of a brave, dragon-slaying knight Cookie. He was said to be the leader of the Tea Leaf Order of knights, who fought beasts all across the world.

Oat Milk Cookie had been brewing herself a cup of warm tea to calm herself during a particularly bad storm when she heard a commotion outside her door.

"He looks awful!"

"Is that the knight from the legend?"

"Why isn't he fighting with the Five Heroes?"

Draping her cerulean cloak over her pale, milky dough, Oat Milk Cookie stepped outside and was met with a menacing armored figure approaching the village square. Looking closer, she saw that the knight was limping. As the rest of the village stared in awe, Oat Milk Cookie rushed forward to help the knight into her home.

"Come, please," Oat Milk Cookie said, "Let me heal your wounds and treat you to a warm meal."

Grunting in acknowledgment, the knight took hold of Oat Milk Cookie, placing a muscled arm over her shoulders to support himself. The pair slowly made their way toward Oat Milk Cookie's home, ignoring the prying eyes of the village.

Shutting the door behind her, Oat Milk Cookie quickly got to work making the knight comfortable and pouring a cup of the tea she had just brewed into a mug and handing it to her new guest.

"Here," She placed the mug in the knight's armored hands. "Drink this. It has my village's healing milk in it."

The knight set the mug on the table beside the chair he had sat in, and moved his hands to his helmet, removing it with a loud grunt. Oat Milk Cookie was in awe of the knight's appearance; his hair was white as the blizzard's snow outside, his eyes were a piercing blue, and his face was littered with scars and marks from the many battles he had fought in.

"Thank you," The knight finally said aloud, voice rough like gravel. He felt a warm glow fill his cheeks as he finally took in the beauty that was this kind, milk villager. Her hair was white and pure, her face brown and crisp, and her smile warm and sweet. "Your kindness is unwarranted, I must say. I am a stranger in your village, and yet you are taking such care of me."

Oat Milk Cookie felt pity fill her heart. Why would she not take care of a stranger? Her parents had raised her just as well as the next Cookie with empathy running deep in her dough, as deep as her milk magic.

Taking a deep breath, Oat Milk Cookie approached the knight again, turning her attention to his wounded leg as she explained her kindness. "My parents were kindhearted, and so they raised me to be kindhearted, as well. I want only the best for those in my village, and that extends to Cookies who are merely visitors." Oat Milk Cookie rapped on the knight's leg armor. "Can we get this off so I can get a better look at your leg?"

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