Chapter Fifteen

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"DON'T KEEP ME WAITING, CHILD," The dragon managed to press its face against a window into the castle, peering in at the Cookies sitting around the table. Royal Milk Tea Cookie was frozen in fear, hand clamped tightly in Clotted Cream Cookie's. A giant eye stared at them all, expecting a response.

Pure Vanilla Cookie looked around his castle anxiously, taking account of everyone in sight. He'd been informed a dragon was coming but this was unexpected.

"You should prepare your citizens to evacuate, Your Majesty," Financier Cookie had stood up out of her seat, drawing her sword. "We've seen what this dragon can do."

The Ancient Hero nodded, exiting swiftly and announcing to the Vanilians the emergency that had befallen the kingdom.

"WHERE IS OAT MILK COOKIE?" The dragon snarled, circling the castle before landing in the courtyard. The building shook as the dragon thumped its long, green tail against the outside walls, waffle cone falling to the ground. "I HAVE WAITED TOO LONG TO COLLECT HER. REVEAL HER OR GIVE YOURSELF OVER, ROYAL MILK TEA COOKIE."

"We need to get outside," Tea Knight Cookie ushered the Republicans toward the entrance. "He won't do any less damage if we stay in here. I'll take the paladin and we'll ready any other defenders in the castle. You," The white-haired knight turned to his son, pointing a finger. "Speak with the dragon. Stall him, if you must. If the beast won't come to reason then we may have to defer to drastic measures."

Killing the dragon, he meant, Royal Milk Tea Cookie took a shaky breath and managed to stand up, letting go of Clotted Cream Cookie's hand. He had to face his own battles, he knew that. No one else had to get hurt if he simply went outside to deal with the problem on his own.

"Okay. I'll go out," Royal Milk Tea Cookie collected himself and approached the entrance, following Tea Knight Cookie just a few steps behind.

"Don't be a hero before you need to," Tea Knight Cookie spoke from ahead. "I understand that you are the soul that will be collected without Oat Milk Cookie present," His tone was something Royal Milk Tea Cookie couldn't place. "But I want to try and find a way for you to return home. I didn't deliver you to that blessed Republic for nothing."

The sight outside the castle was almost poetic, the prince thought. The dragon had perched itself atop the highest tower on the Vanilla castle, staring down at the ring of destruction it had left throughout the town, a path carved for Royal Milk Tea Cookie and Tea Knight Cookie to walk down as the blue-eyed Cookie prepared himself to speak to the dragon. Cookies were shouting to family members, trying their best to follow Pure Vanilla Cookie's orders to evacuate as quickly as possible while the Republican readied himself for the confrontation.

The dragon hissed, eyes squinting as it slithered down from its post. Despite the knowledge the dragon was flown all this way, Royal Milk Tea Cookie couldn't help but think its body was only really built for water.

"Oat Milk Cookie is dead," Royal Milk Tea Cookie shouted up to the green monster. He didn't really feel anything when he said it; Oat Milk Cookie had made her choice to leave and never find him herself.


Royal Milk Tea Cookie looked around and saw Financier Cookie and some Vanilla soldiers aiming their weapons at the dragon. He wondered how they'd really achieve killing this beast. It was massive. He tore his focus away and turned back toward the dragon. "Does it have to be me?"

Something flashed in the dragon's eyes. Pity, Royal Milk Tea Cookie recognized. The same thing that the nurses in the Hollyberry Kingdom saw when they looked at him after he woke up. "CHILD," The dragon descended closer to his victim, lowering his head to greet the heir at eye level, "YOUR MOTHER MADE A PROMISE. MY DEALS CAN ONLY BE FULFILLED BY THOSE WHO MAKE THE WISH OR NEXT OF KIN."

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