Chapter Eight

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Morning came much too quickly for Royal Milk Tea Cookie's liking. The sun shone in through the great glass window behind the warm bed, and he shifted closer to the warm body that was beside him, burying his face into its chest. He was met with similarly warm arms that wrapped around him as he did so, and a smile spread across his face. This was what everything was leading toward, Royal Milk Tea Cookie decided at that moment. Every hardship he had endured, every moment he spent anxious that the dragon would take him away, take his mother away... it was all so that he could feel happy and safe in the arms of someone he truly loved.

"Everyone, evacuate the fortress! A dragon is attacking the kingdom!" A guard shouted, bursting through the doors of every room to alert the guests and servants within the kingdom.

The moment was spoiled almost as fast as it had arrived, and Royal Milk Tea Cookie only had moments to open his eyes before screams were echoing through the hallway, guards slamming doors open to evacuate all their guests from their rooms.

Everything passed in a flash. One moment he was safe in their bed, and the next Clotted Cream Cookie was carrying Royal Milk Tea Cookie through the hall and out to the dock, where a dragon had perched upon the fortress, exhaling smoke across the kingdom.

"Quick! Get to your ship!" The watcher from last night called from her post alongside the king, who was facing the dragon with fire in his eyes. Clotted Cream Cookie grabbed Royal Milk Tea Cookie's hand (when had he set him down?) and began pulling him toward the dock, where Captain Caviar Cookie was already removing the anchor from the sea and letting down the sails.

"Consul!" Financier Cookie ran up behind the pair, joining them as they made their way toward the Pearl Legion ship. "Are you alright? Oh," Financier Cookie noticed the clasped hands, and Royal Milk Tea Cookie could see hurt cross the paladin's face. Shared bedrooms was one thing, as Clotted Cream Cookie had insisted Financier Cookie have a separate room in the Mansion Custard. Genuine affection? That had to hurt.

"Yes, the guards alerted us of the threat and we left as soon as we heard. What about everyone else?" Clotted Cream Cookie dropped Royal Milk Tea Cookie's hand, voice taking on an objective tone as he pressed about the others on board the ship.

"I'm unsure. You are my priority, so I left to find you first," Financier Cookie stated.

The trio made their way further toward the ship, looking up to see the green-and-pink dragon now soaring overhead, having abandoned the fortress, and dipping down over the forest, sending several trees flying with the force of the drop.

"Look out!" One of the watchers called, and within an instant, Financier Cookie was missing from Royal Milk Tea Cookie's side, replaced with a great pine tree, one that could have crumbled the paladin if she hadn't been swept away.

"Financier Cookie!" Clotted Cream Cookie called. "Are you alright? Where are you?"

"She's here," The watcher spoke again, and the pair of Cookies turned, and met with a Cookie no older than them, skin brown and crunchy, hair deep chocolate with caramel streaks. She was the watcher from the night before! Who was she? "Are you two alright?"

"Yes, just frightened," Royal Milk Tea Cookie assured, his hand gripped tight in Clotted Cream Cookie's once again. "What about you, Financier Cookie?"

The paladin was being held tight within the arms of her savior, whose face portrayed nothing but kindness. It was likely in response to the near-death situation she'd just been saved from, but Royal Milk Tea Cookie could swear it looked as though Financier Cookie was entranced by the watcher.

"I'm alright," She managed to breathe. "Thank you, Caramel Arrow Cookie. I would have been crumbs if you weren't watching our backs."

The watcher flushed, letting the paladin go. "Oh, after you charmed me last night it's only fair I save your life today, haha!" She chuckled awkwardly. "I'm glad you're alright, Financier Cookie. You three should really get back on your ship, now. The Hollyberry Isles are only half a day's journey if you sail straight West. We can take this dragon!" Before any of the Republic Cookies could reply, the watcher was off again, speeding through the snow on her way to protect the king and her home.

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