Chapter Twenty

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He was okay. Royal Milk Tea Cookie had woken up stretched across the Cookie he loved most in the world, peppered him with kisses, and dressed for the day.

The Venerable Convocation of Elders had monitored Sandstone Cookie and her return to the lower city, ensuring all other Cookies were aware that the legend of the knight's son would stay a legend and any similarity to real events was purely a coincidence, no matter what the Wishing Dragon had said upon arrival.

Returning to the town hall for what was officially his third public appearance as a member of the Convocation and his second appearance as the Prince of the Republic, Royal Milk Tea Cookie felt at ease. He sat at his seat to speak with members of the upper and lower city who had grievances. Custard Cookie made an appearance alongside his colleagues, though he spoke to no one. If looks could have killed, Custard Cookie would have been dead where he sat. Clotted Cream Cookie spoke over his father every time a question was directed his way, staring daggers at the bearded Cookie.

"Should we expect much of a change in leadership?" A Cookie spoke, having approached the stand before the Convocation, "Since we're under rule by a prince, now."

"The title of prince was applied for the sake of the Republic's fame," Oyster Cookie responded, leaning forward in her seat to address the Cookie. "My son's lineage came at great surprise to us all! However, for the sake of our place in Earthbread, we decided the namesake of 'Prince of the Republic' would make our home look like a far more respectable location."

The Cookie nodded thoughtfully and several murmurs behind him were heard. Royal Milk Tea Cookie shifted in his seat slightly, pearls swirling around him. "The Convocation is still the format in which leadership within the Republic will function," He tacked on, formally answering the question, "I am only the prince in namesake here. I am still just the Ambassador of the Republic in responsibility."

That seemed to be a more acceptable response, as the Cookie who had asked nodded, thanking Royal Milk Tea Cookie, and returned to his seat.

"You're doing great, sweetheart," Oyster Cookie whispered to her son, laying her hand atop his in support.

"Thank you, Mother," Royal Milk Tea Cookie smiled in response. The adjustment from Ambassador to Prince wasn't difficult in itself, but the publicity which he was facing thanks to his new title was quite hard to get used to. Large crowds and loud noises were stressors for him and his mother and Clotted Cream Cookie made it their mission to prevent him from getting overwhelmed. Financier Cookie had taken on the role of bodyguard for the pair after the paperwork for the ending of her engagement had been finalized.

"Have Canele Cookie and Mille-feuille Cookie formally been arrested?" The next Cookie took to the stand, asking a question that had been ignored during the ordeal. The Convocation was silent before Baumkuchen Cookie spoke up.

"Mille-feuille Cookie's location is currently unknown, but we remain resilient in our hunt for her. The conspiracy to steal the Soul Jam during the Council was a crime we do not take lightly," The elder spoke confidently. "Canele Cookie, while not guilty of stealing the Soul Jam, was still guilty of conspiring against her fellow Convocation members and has been on temporary dismissal until further notice."

"Will you be offering a chance for other Cookies to take her place, like you allowed Royal Milk Tea Cookie to take over Mille-feuille Cookie's spot?" Someone asked. Royal Milk Tea Cookie was taken aback but understood the thought behind the question.

Vanilla Sugar Cookie spoke up this time, "Since it was not a formal dismissal, there will be no more empty slots in the Convocation at this time."

"Not to mention, Royal Milk Tea Cookie had been groomed to become the Republic's Ambassador since he was young," Sablé Cookie explained, to Royal Milk Tea Cookie's surprise. "Should another spot become vacant, we would require a Cookie with generous knowledge of what the position they would be filling does."

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