Chapter Nine

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Sun shone in through the cabin window. Royal Milk Tea Cookie groaned, head throbbing with pain still from the incident earlier. Fear struck his core– had he slept through an entire day? Had he forced the crew to waste an entire afternoon and evening just because he had gotten injured? The brown-haired Cookie attempted to sit up quickly but was stopped by a heavy weight against his chest. Looking down, the blue-eyed Cookie saw a crisp brown arm laid across him, connected to a body with hair of gold.

Clotted Cream Cookie looked so peaceful in his sleep. Royal Milk Tea Cookie almost felt guilty shaking him awake. The consul squeezed his eyes together tightly before opening them and looking at his friend. He smiled warmly. "Well, good morning, ambassador."

Royal Milk Tea Cookie felt his cheeks grow warm before remembering that there was a schedule to keep to. "Did we sleep through the whole day?" He asked, nervous. Clotted Cream Cookie sat up, stretching and slowly moving out of bed.

"No, no, don't worry. It's only about three o'clock. I just climbed back into bed to stay with you in case you woke up." Clotted Cream Cookie placed a hand on Royal Milk Tea Cookie's cheek. "I didn't want you to be alone."

Royal Milk Tea Cookie flushed a bright crimson, embracing Clotted Cream Cookie before maneuvering himself out of bed as well, approaching the door. "Have we arrived at the Hollyberry Kingdom yet?" He asked, brushing his dress flat.

"I think we just docked, actually. Financier Cookie said she was going to be speaking with Hollyberry Cookie once we arrived. We'd better go check," Clotted Cream Cookie joined hands with Royal Milk Tea Cookie before opening the cabin door and making their way out to the boat's deck.

Royal Milk Tea Cookie felt peace wash over him. While so many things were complicated and stressful, having the one Cookie he cared for the most be there for him in times like these was something he'd be forever grateful for. He still would need to apoligize to Financier Cookie for the argument they'd had in the Dark Cacao Kingdom, but the blue-eyed Cookie was confident things would start going smoother in the relationship department from here on.

"Lovebirds! You're finally up!" Captain Caviar Cookie called to the pair. The rest of the crew– Caviar Cookie, Financier Cookie, and the Pearl Legion Cookie, had all made their way onto the port the ship was docked at and were speaking to a wideset Cookie with buns the color of berries.

Financier Cookie had her eyes glued to the set of interlocked hands. She felt a twinge of jealousy, but took a breath and let it go. She had told Clotted Cream Cookie that she would let him pursue Royal Milk Tea Cookie, and that had to be the end of it.

Royal Milk Tea Cookie could see the pain in the paladin's face, and he tried not to make a point of staring, but he couldn't help it. He made a gesture toward Clotted Cream Cookie, who nodded and allowed his partner to leave his side. Financier Cookie watched her old friend travel down the ship to meet her at the dock, and tried to stay aloof as he spoke.

"Financier Cookie," Royal Milk Tea Cookie began, hands fidgeting with the gloves he wore. "I'm sorry for our argument in the Dark Cacao Kingdom. I understand we both had feelings for Clotted Cream Cookie, and it was rude on both of our parts to ignore each other. I hope that in the future we can remain friends as we were when we were children?" Royal Milk Tea Cookie smiled nervously, awaiting a response.

"I wish you and Clotted Cream Cookie the best, Royal Milk Tea Cookie. I'm sorry for how I've acted toward you. As time passes, I am sure we will remain quite close friends." A small smile was on the paladin's face, and Royal Milk Tea Cookie grinned at the fact. He let out a deep sigh, happy to resolve at least one of the many issues he was facing.

"What a happy group of friends! I remember when I was having issues with Pure Vanilla Cookie for a while! Oh, how nice it is to come to an understanding." Royal Milk Tea Cookie turned swiftly to face Hollyberry Cookie, the Queen Mother of the kingdom he was standing on presently.

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