Chapter Fourteen

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Everything felt like static. The realization that the Republicans had been chasing an unattainable goal weighed on Royal Milk Tea Cookie like a ton of bricks. His feet dragged as he trudged his way back to the castle, following Tea Knight Cookie silently, almost embarrassed.

Royal Milk Tea Cookie had traversed this far, discovered his lineage, nearly lost his life, and fought to remember Clotted Cream Cookie after suffering a bout of amnesia... all for nothing. Royal Milk Tea Cookie was going to die and there was nothing he was able to do to stop it.

He would have to say goodbye to everyone, of course. Evening was upon the group and dinner was commencing, all of the Republicans happily laughing around the table in the dining hall, unaware of the bad news the young ambassador was about to deliver.

Tea Knight Cookie laid a hand on his son's shoulder in comfort but it was ill-received. Royal Milk Tea Cookie wanted nothing more but to spend his final hours with those closest to him.

"Royal Milk Tea Cookie!" Captain Caviar Cookie called out, voice slurring. There must have been some berry juice being served with the meal. "Yer back!"

The blue-eyed Cookie silently nodded, managing a smile. "Have you been waiting to eat long?" He asked, taking a seat beside Clotted Cream Cookie.

Financier Cookie shook her head. "No. Food was just served!" She smiled warmly at her friend, likely still feeling guilty for their previous conversations, regardless of the apology she shared. It wasn't clear whether Royal Milk Tea Cookie's loss of memory was fully recovered or not.

Royal Milk Tea Cookie took a breath and nodded again, beginning to serve his plate. However, he wasn't able to enjoy the meal, stomach churning with the knowledge that his time on Earthbread was no longer unlimited.

"We were just talking about what we'll do once we return to the Crème Republic!" The Pearl Legion guard grinned. "I miss my fellow guards!"

The group hummed in agreement, another Cookie piping up. "I'll be happy to enjoy a night in my own bed!" Captain Caviar Cookie remarked. "I love life at sea but even sailors miss the comfort of their own homes!"

Clotted Cream Cookie smiled warmly to the group, thankful that this was going to be one of their final nights away from home, unaware of the reason. "I'll be glad to finally return home with Royal Milk Tea Cookie," There were both groans and coos at the cheesy comment. "Won't you be glad to return home?" Clotted Cream Cookie turned to the Oyster heir.

Royal Milk Tea Cookie sniffled, teardrops falling onto his plate, unable to keep his composure any longer.

"My Prince!" The guard stood up from his seat, concerned for his charge. "Are you alright? Has something happened?"

Royal Milk Tea Cookie continued to cry, body shaking as the silent tears turned to audible cries. He shook his head in response.

"I think we should end dinner early," Clotted Cream Cookie suggested to the table. "Let's call in Pure Vanilla Cookie and thank him for the meal. We should prepare for the dragon's arrival tomorrow."

Royal Milk Tea Cookie felt sobs completely wrack through his body at the comment. Tomorrow would come but that would be all for him. The tears wouldn't stop falling.

"Darling," Clotted Cream Cookie was growing more and more concerned by the minute. "What's wrong?" His voice was soft.

Royal Milk Tea Cookie composed himself as best he could, tears still falling, choking on his breaths as he tried to steady his voice. A warm hand brushed away his tears as they fell and the brunet leaned into the touch. He finally spoke: "Oat Milk Cookie isn't here."

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