Chapter Thirteen

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The walk to the Vanilla castle wasn't so much a walk to the castle as it was to a balloon which would then fly everyone up to the actual kingdom. The perspective Royal Milk Tea Cookie observed when the ship had docked must have been a trick of the eye; the castle looked no more than a few hundred steps away, but it had been floating in the air for the entire duration of the meet.

"I apologize for the lengthy flight," Pure Vanilla Cookie announced to his guests as the hot air balloon traveled upward. "I know that we are in a bit of a rush."

"Oh, please!" Captain Caviar Cookie waved a hand, looking out over the edge of the basket. "No worries. We've got plenty of time. I'm an excellent captain, getting us here in less than a day's journey!"

Pure Vanilla Cookie laughed a bit. "Yes. Traveling here in such a short period of time is to be admired. I'll leave my worries about time, then."

The rest of the flight was silent. Royal Milk Tea Cookie eventually found his hand clasped with Clotted Cream Cookie's. He smiled. He was lucky to wake up and be surrounded by Cookies who cared for him so much.

"Do you think he'll be nice?" Royal Milk Tea Cookie asked, not to anyone in particular.

"Tea Knight Cookie?" Financier Cookie clarified. The former nodded. "He's a knight, so I could only assume he'll be of noble blood and kind of heart."

"He hasn't spoken much to anyone in particular," Pure Vanilla Cookie added. "He says he's been visiting someone, but he always seems to just disappear when leaving."

Strange. Royal Milk Tea Cookie thought that maybe this unknown character could be Oat Milk Cookie, but he didn't say anything. Everyone else was likely thinking the same thing.

Clouds gave way as the balloon rose to the height of the floating Vanilla Kingdom. It was nothing less than a majestic sight. Cookies walked around, unbothered by the beauty of their surroundings; this was just everyday life for them. Royal Milk Tea Cookie couldn't help but wish that he lived here. Maybe Oyster Cookie would sponsor a trip to the Vanilla Kingdom once this was all over.

"We've arrived!" Pure Vanilla Cookie called to his guests as a Cookie fastened the hot air balloon to the ground, lowering it so everyone could exit the basket. "Please, one at a time. I'll follow and we'll make our way into the castle."

One by one, the Republicans all exited the vessel and stepped onto the cobbled stones on the ground.

Royal Milk Tea Cookie stumbled as he stepped out and instantly the eyes of his friends were all on him, nervous for another accident or slip that could result in further harm to his small frame. The near-death incident really must have taken a toll on everyone's mental state.

Captain Caviar Cookie led the group, walking behind Pure Vanilla Cookie, who smiled and waved to every Cookie that he passed on the way to the castle. He was beloved, it was apparent. His calm demeanor, loving aura, and non-threatening appearance all came together to present Pure Vanilla Cookie as the most peaceful of the Ancient Heroes. Royal Milk Tea Cookie frowned. He wondered if he would be seen as this type of hero once he returned home from the journey. Or more so if he returned. Clotted Cream Cookie said that his life was on the line if they didn't find Oat Milk Cookie in time.

"Hey," A buttery voice chimed from over his shoulder. Clotted Cream Cookie looked concerned. "Are you alright?"

Royal Milk Tea Cookie regained his composure. "Yeah!" His voice cracked on the last syllable. He winced. "Yeah, I'm just thinking about going home after everything. I kind of miss Oyster Cookie."

Clotted Cream Cookie nodded. Royal Milk Tea Cookie vaguely remembered his poor relationship with his father, Custard Cookie. "We'll be home soon enough," Was all the Consul responded with, reaching to squeeze the shorter Cookie's hand as they continued their trek.

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