Chapter 2

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                                   Calista's POV
I was having another rough week. School was killing me. People started putting notes in my locker. It was just reminding me that, school is literally Satan's playground. You have to wake up early. You sit through classes with the worst people. You get slammed with homework and projects and tests.

Your mind and mental health start to get fucked up. Your anxiety increases so much you need to be put on medication. I would know. I'm on them. I'm on literally 4 things. I have to take 2 of one thing in the morning for my anxiety and 1 of something else when I need it because of my anxiety. I have to take 1 of this 1 thing because of my depression. I'm on shit so I can sleep too.

My sister picked me up and I got in her car. I put my head on the window. She started driving.

"I have a surprise for you."

"Oh yeah? What is it? Mom and dad comin' back? Are they out of prison? Are they sober?"

She didn't answer.

" should know by now that...that's never gonna happen."

"Yeah. I know. The 9 year old in me, still wishes. Anyway...what's this surprise?"

"You'll see at home. How was your day? Same as always?

"No. Worse. My mind is fried again. I couldn't focus at all. Nobody would shut up. I was getting picked on all day."

We got home and I walked up to the front door and unlocked it. I walked to the dining room and threw my bags onto the table. I opened my purse and took my phone and earbuds out. I put those to the side and opened my backpack.

"You are going to love me for this."

"I already love you. What's going on?"

" get to ditch school."


"That band you like is gonna be on that show you set to record so you can watch it after school."

"Which band?"

"Oh...I dunno. Dean Rivera's band."

My eyes widened.

"The Lost Boys are gonna be on  The Melly Dawn show?!"

"Yep. So TECHNICALLY you're spending the entire day with them."

"Huh? What does that mean?"

She handed me a folder. I opened it.

"Guess who now has EXTRA VIP for tomorrow."

"What? The hell is that?"

"It's not a thing but...I'm calling it that. I pulled some strings. By that...I mean...I talked to Kevin Ridges."

"You talked to their manager?! Huh?!"

"Explained how much these dorks mean to you. Made a whole sob story that's kinda true. So yeah...we're both ditching tomorrow. We're hanging out with them in the morning and before the show tomorrow."

"A-are you freaking serious?!"

"Yep. So make sure, you sleep well. I'm waking your ass up at 4."

"W-what about my homework?"

"Tomorrow's Friday. You can worry about it later. Now...are you gonna grow a pair and talk to the boy?"

"Eck! I-I don't know! Shit! I gotta find something to wear!"

"Your tour shirt is already drying."

I jumped up and started hugging her.

"THANK YOU! Holy fuck! You're literally the best!"

"You're welcome. You've had a shitty few years. You need a day like this."

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