Chapter 35

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Dean's POV
The coffee maker turned off.

"Now it's just gotta sit for a few minutes. Anyway...she's a completely different person now that you came along."


"Her old friends made her think, her life was over. It's gave it back to her. You're kinda different too."


"You got on a plane to get here."

"I couldn't wait to see her."

"See? You hate airports yet, you went to one. That says something about you."

Sherry got a bowl and poured the soup into it. She grabbed an ice cube and put it in the bowl. I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge.

"She uses a fork."

I grabbed a fork and paper towel. Sherry grabbed a tray and we walked to Calista's room. She looked exhausted. Once again, I felt horrible leaving. When I got back, I walked into a venue upset. I walked around until I found everyone.

"Oh no. What happened?"

"She's sick."

"Oh god."

"Poor thing."

"Is it just a cold?"

"No. It's the flu."

"Good thing, tour's almost over."

"Yeah. I'll be able to be with her then."

"Jesus, just marry her already."

"We've never seen you this happy."

"You were literally miserable with the whole Silver PR shit."

"You were able to tell?"

"We were. I don't know about anyone else seeing it."

"Yeah. You're right. I should."

Kevin walked up to us.

"Come on guys. Time for VIP."

We got ready quickly and then walked to the room set up for VIP.

"At least, pretend to be happy."

Someone...I fucking HATE said my name.


"Uh oh."

"Is it who I think it is? Annoying girl with a toxic personality?"



I looked at my phone.

"Go. We'll cover for you."

"I-I should deal with this before shit starts."

I started typing while walking away. I started calling Calista.

Come on.

Pick up.

Pick up.

I understand you're sick but...please just answer...

*Phone Call with Calista*
*Calista coughs*

"H-hello? I was just thinking about calling you."

"Okay...I know you're sick but...Silver showed up."

"O-oh no. You said she was toxic right?"

"Yeah. I wish you were here."

"I wish I was there too..I-I trust you. You know, I do."

*Calista coughs*

"I fee horrible bringing this up while you're miserable."

"I'm not miserable anymore. I-I don't have a fever anymore. I actually went outside today. It felt nice."

"That's good. Did you do anything?"

"I listened to mellow music and read a book. I lost track of time and I was out there for a few hours. I saw a few butterflies. One sat on my leg for a bit."

"Awww. That's cute."

"D-do you feel any better?"

"I have no clue. I'm walking around trying to avoid her. Oh shit. That's the meet and greet line. Oh fuck. Hell no. Not in the mood to get chased."

*Calista chuckles then coughs*

"Oh fuck my life. I see her. And now I'm lost. How do I get out of here?"

"Are you in her town or did she just show up?"

"Eww that's right. We're in her town. Ick. I'd rather be in our town where everyone doesn't jump to conclusions. You're gonna get hounded with rumors."

"I know. I've already got some remember? For a week, people thought we were engaged."

"Oh shit. That's right."

"It dies down eventually right?"

"Yes and no. The engagement rumors were at least harmless."


"Cheating rumors are brutal."

"It's gonna be fine baby. Just breathe."

"It's uh..not gonna be fine."

"Don't think like that."

*Calista coughs*

"I-I just want to hide on the bus. Or a plane. Actually a train since I can lock the door."

"It's okay to talk to her."

"I don't want to. I hate her. She makes everything about her. And she found me again."

"I'll let you go so you can talk to her."

"No no. Baby don't do that. I'm five seconds away from a panic attack."

"Awww. That's not good. Do you get them a lot?"

"Eh? Depends? If you were here, I'd be fine since you can see everything."

"Kevin and the boys are your witnesses right? They know you better than anyone does."

"You know me better though."

"Okay true. I'm just saying, they know you. They know you wouldn't cheat on me."

"Yeah. Th-that is true. They were just saying how they've never seen me this happy before. Oh for the love of- Kevin found me."

"You should go then. Call me if you need me. I love you."

"I-I love you too."

*End of Phone Call*

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