Chapter 34

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Dean's POV
My poor baby...

"How long has she been sick?"

"A day now. I took her to the doctor right away. She rarely gets sick."

I looked down at my sleeping beauty. Her forehead was still burning. She was still white as a ghost. She had circles underneath her eyes.

"How long are you here for?"

"Not even a week. I'm gonna feel horrible leaving again. Especially since she's this sick. When she's like this, is it always this bad?"


"Has she eaten?"

"No. She's been sleeping since we got home yesterday. She needs to rest mostly. I-I don't know how she got the flu. She never leaves the house."

"These things just happen."

I kept watching her. She seems so peaceful yet uncomfortable.

"You can stay here for a while. By the looks of it, you're probably stuck."

"Yeah. You're right."

"Might wanna get comfortable."

"Good idea."

I slowly and carefully moved down.

Don't wake up.

Don't wake up.

I laid down and put her head on my chest. She groaned.


I paused. It must've clicked what, I was doing. She put one of her legs over mine. She slid one of her arms under mine. She put her other arm over my waist.


I'm stuck.

Nice going.

I yawned.

A nap might be nice.

I am running on like 3 hours.

I got on a late night flight and was only home for not long.

She started mumbling something. I tried to figure out what she was saying.

Is she talking to me?

I started rubbing her arm. Sherry walked in.

"She still sleeping?"

"Yeah. Should I wake her?"

"She does need to eat."

I looked at Calista.

"Hey Lisa?"

She groaned again.

"You should eat."

She nodded then opened her eyes. I helped her sit up. I put my hand on her forehead.

"How is it?"

"Still bad."

She coughed into her arm.

"I'll be back. I'm gonna go make her something to eat. Dean, you coming?"

"Yeah, okay."

I got up and we walked out of her room. I shut the door. We walked to the kitchen.

"Where did I put it?"

"Put what?"

"I swore, I bought soup."

"You probably just misplaced it."

We started looking around for the soup.

"What type did you get?"

"You know those cup ones?"

"Ah. Okay. Did you get the bundle pack?"

"Yeah. You'd think, I'd be able to find it."

I looked in the pantry and found the box.

"I got it."

I opened the box and pulled out a cup. I closed the pantry and opened the cup. I took the plastic off and opened the top.

"Does she eat the carrots and whatnot?"

"No. She doesn't. You can just dump the ones at the top out."

I went to the garbage and used the step. I carefully dumped out what Calista doesn't eat. I handed it to Sherry. She went and put it in a coffee maker. She pressed a few buttons and started working. It took a few minutes for the hot water to pour out.

"You can marry her."


"I see it all over your face."

"I uh...didn't see this coming."

"You guys seem like, you're meant to be together. I can send you some ring ideas."

"I-I haven't even met your parents."

"Eh. Don't worry about them. They're locked up. They're gonna die in there."

"So'd be okay with that? I-it's literally been not even a year."

"Okay and? Our cousin got married after two weeks."

"H-how's that going?"

"They've been married for I think...9 years now? They have 2 kids too. She might be pregnant again. I'm not sure. I haven't talked to her in a while."

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