Chapter 29

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                                 Calista's POV
"Note to self: be scared of your siblings."

"You're gonna be fine."

"Wow. You're already meeting them?"

"So? He already met my sister."

I managed to find what I wanted to give Dean's brother. Since he likes sharks...I got him a shark tooth necklace. I was so proud of myself for once. I was excited to meet them. We walked up to the front door and I was shaking.

"Relax. It's okay."

We walked inside and they ran up to him.


Brooklyn's face lit up when she saw me.


"You're so pretty!"

"Thank you! Oh! I got you something."

I went through my bag and found the earrings.

"I like whales so...I thought you'd like these."

I took the earrings out of my bag. Her face lit up.

"Thank you! These are so pretty!"

I smiled.

"You're welcome! I have something for your brother too."

"Ooo! TJ! Come here! She got you something too!"


I took the necklace out of my bag and handed it to him. He just stared at it.

Oh no!

He doesn't like it!

Oh god!

I messed up already!

"Y-you don't want it?"

He snatched it out of my hand and kicked me.

"TJ! What the hell?!"

He stomped away.

I knew this would happen.

"I'm Brooklyn!"

"I-I'm Calista. I-it's nice to meet you."

"I've been dying to meet you!"


"D, always talks about you!"

"Mom! Dad! We're here!"

His mom ran down the stairs.

"Hi! I'm Misty."


"You must be Calista."

"Yes. That's me."

Please like me!

Please fucking like me!

This is so important to me!

One of you already don't like me!


I met his dad and I started talking to his parents and sister. I was obviously careful with what I said. Lunch was nice. TJ didn't look at me. He didn't say anything to me. I started to feel horrible. I snuck outside and sat down at the table.

I started trying to keep it together.

"Callie? What's wrong?"

"H-hey Brooke."

She walked up to me and sat down next to me.

"Are you okay?"

"This is just new to me. I don't think...TJ likes me..."

"Oh no! Why do you think that?"

"He seemed so cold earlier. I was excited to meet you. Plus...he kicked me. I-I don't know, if I did anything."

                                  Dean's POV
I stood by the back door and listened.

"I don't think...he doesn't not like you."

"T-this is really important to me."

Where did the kid go?

I wandered around the house looking for my brother. I found his room and didn't knock. I opened the door. He was sitting on his bed on his phone.

"Terrence come here."

"I'm watching something."

I walked up to him and grabbed his phone.

"You're not now. What is going on with you? Why are you acting like this?"

"Like what?"

"A brat."

"I'm not."

"Calista is outside upset because of you. Go apologize for being rude."


"Terence Joesph, I've been home for not even 24 hours and you're already being rude."

"I don't like her!"

"You don't even know her!"

"Why should I?!"

"Why are you acting like this?!"

Our mom walked into TJ's room.

"Why are you yelling?"

"He's treating Lisa like crap!"

"I've noticed."

I handed her my brother's phone.

"Guess she was right about being scared to meet you.  You better fix this before your birthday."

I walked out of the room and saw Calista at the front door. She was walking outside.

"Cal? W-where're you going?"

"To hotel to get my things. I'm going home. I'll see you after your break. I should've stayed home. I'm sorry."

"W-why are you sorry? I-I'm the one that's sorry."

"I can't go to war with a 10 year old. Thanks for trying to teach me how to love someone."

"Wait! Y-you can't leave!"

"I have to. I'm gonna get a ride. Don't worry. I'll tell you when, I'm home."

"Please don't do this. I-I don't want to lose you."

"You're not losing me. I'm just going home to stay in my room. Have fun at the aquarium."

"Wait...that's by you. I'll come get you."

She shook her head.

"I know where, I'm not wanted. I have for years now. Goodbye Dean. I'll see you soon."

I grabbed her hand.

"I'm going with you then."

"No. You should be with your family."

"I-I'm not letting you leave alone. I-I'll just chase after you."

"You don't have to."

I pulled her back inside. I shut the door.

"If you leave, I leave. I'll go back with you."

"Okay. Okay. I'll stay."

I relaxed a bit.

"Thank you. My mom is talking to him. I-I'll figure this out. J-just give me some time."

"Okay. I will."

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