Chapter 40

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                                Calista's POV
"Do you have any idea on what you'd want?"

"Well...I do love roses too. Definitely a red cardinal. Probably a manatee. Maybe some paw prints since, I used to have a dog. Oh! A butterfly too. I guess...we have some more things in common."

He moved hair out of my face. I could see the water dripping from his hair down to the floor.

"How about this...Christmas is in a few months. I'll pay for you to get your tattoos done."

My eyes widened.

"Y-you don't have to."

"I want to. I have some things for you."

He walked over to his backpack and pulled out two small boxes.

"I got you earrings and a red cardinal ring."

He showed me everything. He took the ring out of the box. He slid it onto my left ring finger. He got even closer to me.

"I want to do so much shit with you."


"I want to take all of your clothes off. I want to lay you on my bed. I want to kiss your entire body."

I-is this dirty talk?!

What do I do?!

He lifted my shirt up a bit. I froze. He started smiling. He burrowed his face into the crook of my neck. He started kissing my neck. I wrapped my arms around his neck.


Why'd I do that?

He put my shirt down.

"I don't think, you're ready yet. Instead...I'll do this."

He picked me up and my legs went around his waist automatically. He put my back against the wall. My heart started racing. He started kissing me.

"Do you wanna go do something? Tour's over. I'm not leaving you anytime soon."

"W-what're things to do around here?"

"I could take you to get ice cream. We could go eat somewhere. We could still do mellow things if you want to."

"Oh no. I-I don't want you to get annoyed with me."

"I don't get annoyed with you."



"Well...what do you want to do? You always ask me. Why don't we ever do want to?"

"My uh...ideas aren't good."

"Huh? What does that mean?"

"They're just stupid...I just want to stay in and relax most of the time."

"Baby, that's not stupid. You just like mellow things, right?"


"Awww. We can just stay here then."

He smiled.

"W-we don't have to go somewhere all the time. So...what are we doing?"

"I was on a plane for 10 hours. I just wanna relax."

"Okay. Put me down then."

He didn't put me down. He started walking to his bed. He put me down then laid down.

"Go to sleep. It's okay."

"Thank you. I got really tired out of nowhere."

He put his head on my chest and slid a leg underneath one of mine. He slid his arms around me. I wrapped my arms around him and started scratching his head.

"I love you

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"I love you."

"I love you too Deany. Get some rest. I'll be here when you wake up. Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere."

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