Chapter 43

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Dean's POV
"I have been miserable for 9 weeks. For 9 weeks, I have been lonely. I have been depressed."

"You uh...didn't need to explain."

"Oops?" I said as I laughed awkwardly.

"I was just asking what you I did to make this happen."

"Uhhhh...this is kinda awkward for me now."

"Awww! Is the big, strong Dean Rivera getting flustered?"

"That..that was a good one coming from you. You're slowly learning."

"I've got a great teacher."

My face started to heat up.

"Yay! I made you blush! I really AM slowly learning. Please go to sleep. I'll be here when you wake up. I swear. Love please?"

"Fine. You win."

I laid down next to her. She put her hand on my cheek and started rubbing it with her thumb. She started humming. I closed my eyes.

It's okay.

She's right there.

She's never leaving again.

She's safe.

You're gonna hopefully gonna marry her.


Doze off.

"You say you always got me but now I'm the one saying it. Goodnight my love."

I pulled her closer to me.

Please keep talking.

"One last thing. You are my everything."


I'm definitely doing it.

Calista's POV
I checked on him and saw he was peacefully sleeping. I moved hair out of his face and kissed his forehead. He nuzzled against me.


My teddy bear!

I started scratching his head. I ended up falling asleep. I woke up and saw his back was facing me. I got up and saw he was still sleeping.

I should let him sleep.

He needs it.

I got up and ordered something to eat for me and Dean. A few minutes later, I opened the door. Someone came in with a cart and put food down on the table.

"Thank you."

They left and I sat down and started eating. I heard a groan and looked at the bed. Dean was sitting up.


"Hey. How long did I sleep for?"

"I'm not sure. It was for a while though. I got some food for you. It just came."

He sat down and started eating.

"Did you at least sleep okay?"

"I clearly need to sleep more."

We spent the day in the hotel room. He fell asleep on the plane the next day. I felt bad waking him up. His head was on my shoulder and my arm was around him. I was scratching the side of his face. The plane landed and I nicely started to wake him up.

"Hey Dean? We're home."

He yawned as he sat up.

"You can sleep on the way back to your house."

"Okay. That works."

"I'll sit in the back with you."

We grabbed our things and got off the plane. We got our bags and I started running.

"Woah! Baby slow down! I'm too tired to chase you!"

"Crap! I'm so sorry! I'm just excited to see my sister!"

"I know."

I stopped and waited for him to catch up. We found my sister and I ran up to her. I grabbed her and started hugging her. Dean yawned.

"Oh shit! That's right! Dean's exhausted."

"We should leave then."

We went to Sherry's car and got in. Me and Dean sat all the way in the back. He put his head on my shoulder again. I went back to scratching the side of his face.

"Why is he so tired?"

"He didn't sleep well without me."

"Awww that's cute."

His head started falling down my shoulder.

"Oh no. Don't do that."


"You're gonna hurt your head if it is down that low."

I fixed his head.

"There we go. Go back to sleep love."

"You two are so cute, it makes me wanna puke."

We helped him walk into his house.

"Hey Dean? Do you want to take a bath? We were on that plane for hours. You should sit and relax."

He nodded. I went into his bathroom and started the water.

"Are you good if I leave?"

"Yeah. We'll be fine. Thank you."

She left and I checked on the water. It was hot. I walked over to Dean and woke him up.

"D? Let's get you washed up quickly. I promise, you can sleep after. I won't bother you."

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