Chapter 22

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                                 Calista's POV
"I don't think, I'll ever be ready for that. I'm used to getting hate though."

"I'll do whatever I can to make it stop or at least be less harsh. I know how to filter things on social media. I can do that for you."


"You're gonna be spoiled too. You're not getting out of that."

I started hugging him.

Am I falling for him already?

Isn't it too early?

"Thank you Deany."

"Anything for you."

"I-I can call you that right?"

"Call me whatever you want. Now, do you wanna walk around or just stay in here?"

"Can we walk around?"


We walked out of the room and started walking around.

"Do we have to pay for food and drinks?"

"No. That's all included."

We found a lounge car. It was chaotic. People were talking loudly and over each other.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm okay."

Someone tapped on my shoulder and I turned around.

"Here you go."

I looked and saw lady with a pack of ear plugs.

"Oh! Thank you!"

"It does get overwhelming in here so, we like to keep these."

I opened the ear plugs and put them in. Everyone got less loud.

"Ah. That's better."

"You'll get used to it eventually."

"Would you guys like to sit for a few?"

"We can't sit at the bar. We're not 21."

"There's a table behind you against the window."

We turned around and saw an empty table.

"Oh! I didn't notice!"

"I can get you guys water or soda if you want."

"That'd be nice. Thank you."

"I can get you guys a snack too."

"What do you have?"

"I can get you some pretzels, candy, or chips."

"Oooo can I have pretzels?"

"I'll have some too."

We told her what drinks we wanted and she left them came back with snack sized bags of pretzels them came back with our Coca-Colas.

"Thank you!"

We opened everything and started eating and drinking.

"How come, you like trains better? I know you hate airports. Is there anything else?"

"You get to see everything pass by and I can always go hide in the room."

"Oh. That does make sense."

Dean's POV
The sun was starting to set. It was shining through the window and making her face glow. Her eyes were brighter and I could see all of her freckles. The sun was making her earrings sparkle.

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(Author: Yes hi

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(Author: Yes hi. Me again. These are apparently a rare color. Before you say anything....I do my research for these things lmao. Also she's blond)

She looks so beautiful.

Holy shit.


I took my phone out and opened the camera.

"Hey Lisa? Look at me."


She picked her head up.

"Oh! I'm supposed to smile now?"

"Uh huh."

She smiled and I took a few pictures of her. We finished up in the lounge car and started walking again. We made our way back to our room. The seat was now a bed. The bunk up top was out and the safety net was up. The ladder was placed.


Calista jumped onto the ladder.


She climbed up to the top. She crawled over to the window and opened the curtains.

"Can you hand me my things?"

She crawled back over to the ladder.

"What bags?"

"My art bag. The purple one."

I found the bag and handed it to her.

"Are you gonna be able to draw on this?"

"Yeah. I've drawn in the car before. Ooo! Is this a light?"

"Yeah. There's an outlet up there too. I have everything down here. Do you want to go eat dinner? It's almost 7. The dining car should be open for a few more hours."

"Oh shit! I'm coming!"

She got to the ladder and started climbing down.

Don't fall.

Don't fall.

Don't fall.

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