Chapter 41

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                                  Calista's POV
I laid there and let him sleep. I checked on him and saw his little freckles. I moved his dark, fluffy hair out of his face then kissed his forehead. He smiled.

He nuzzled his head up against my chest

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He nuzzled his head up against my chest.


He's like a little puppy!!!

So cute!!!!!!!!

My heart just melted!!!

I rang my fingers through his hair and started humming. I noticed, his star drop earrings were still on.

Should, I try to take them off?

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Should, I try to take them off?


I shouldn't.

I don't want to break them.

The chains might not be that strong.

I went to fiddle with his earring. I put my hands on it and he groaned.


"I-I'm sorry D."

"Hm? What are you sorry about?"

"I was gonna try to take off your earrings. I-I don't want them to hurt you."

"It's fine. I don't care."

"Okay. I'm sorry."

He rubbed his eye.

"Are you okay?"

He nodded as he yawned.

"Okay. You can go back to sleep."

He nodded. He nuzzled his head again.

"Thanks for being here. My family couldn't pick me up this time."


"They're all busy today. My mom is having lunch with my aunt. My dad is stuck in a meeting. My brother and sister are with my other aunt."

"Why didn't they reschedule everything?"

He shrugged. I went back to scratching his head.

"If I wasn't here, you'd be alone today?"

"Basically. I'm glad, you're still here. I do get lonely."

"You get lonely? Don't you have friends here?"

"Eh. They're into crap, I'm not. They have fake IDs so yeah. They sneak into clubs and bars."

"Why are you still friends with them?"

"I don't like being alone but...I have you now. I have a feeling, you'll never leave me."

"I feel the same way about you. You're the first real thing to happen to me in a while. No matter what...I never want to lose you."

He yawned. I stopped talking and let him go back to sleep. I started humming again. My phone started ringing and I struggled to find it to shut it up. I answered and my sister said the sentence...I was dreading.

"Dad's out. He broke out. There's already a manhunt for him. You know him, he's probably desperate for money."

I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. I shut the door and started crying. The bathroom door opened. I saw Dean.


"He's out...he's out."

"Oh god."

I immediately started hugging Dean. He started cradling my head.

"Hey, look at me."

I slowly lifted my head up. He cupped my face.

"I love you. Nothing's gonna happen."

"Y-you don't know him. You don't know what, he'll do to me."

"Breathe. I'm right here. It's okay."

"I'm scared."

"I know. I know."

He pressed our foreheads together.

"It's okay."

I made the mistake of going out to eat with my sister. One day. I was grabbed and thrown into a trunk. There was a familiar smell.

Oh no!

Dad got me!



I was dragged into a house. I was thrown into a room. My dad slammed the door shut then walked up to me. He pointed a gun in my face. My heart started racing. He was crying.

"You left me!"

"I-I had to! I had to move!"

"You used to come see me all the time!"

"You told me to stop visiting! Dad please! Don't do this! Please! What do you want from me?!"

"I wanted you to stay there!"

"I-I didn't have a choice! I-dad stop!"

He started pulling the trigger.


I started crying.

"STOP! This doesn't have to end like this! W-where do you want to go?! To a different state?! I-I'll go with you! J-just put the gun down!"

That was one of the biggest mistakes I've made. He threw a wig and sunglasses at me. I just stared at them. I gulped and backed away.

I was brought to an airport. I had no idea where, were going. All I know was, we were going to a different country.

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