Chapter 7

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                                 Calista's POV
I stopped using my phone and started watching the show from the tv inside the dressing room. Dean pulled me closer to him. My eyes widened.

What's going on?

I looked at Sherry and she whispered "Knew it." into my ear.


She's right?

I don't know...

I don't know anything about guys.

Or love...

Or anything...

I don't understand red flags.

I don't understand flirting.

There's so much I don't understand.

I literally don't understand what's going on today.


It's not registering since, I'm tired.

I yawned. Dean used his hand and put my head on his shoulder. He started rubbing my head.

What's going on?

Sherry started snickering. I kicked her.

He's just being nice.

That's his personality.

I guess, I fell asleep. Someone started rubbing my arm.


I picked my head up and rubbed my eyes.

"Come on. Let's go."

I nodded then stood up. We walked back to where everything was. Me, Sherry, and Kevin sat back down.

Did I legit...

Fall asleep in there?

On his shoulder?

Why was I comfortable?

We got told to stand up. I looked around and saw girls my age, girls younger, and girls older than me. They were dressed like me. They had merch on. Some had TOO much makeup on. One girl had so much makeup on, she reminded me of The Joker from Batman. Girls were getting in trouble for recording. I heard a girl yelling creepy ass shit.

I saw none of these people earlier.

Were me and Sherry the only ones...

Who were here?

Why does that make me feel a bit special?

I got to see them set up and rehearse something unreleased.

They started preforming and I relaxed completely. Dean looked at me and smiled. I felt eyes go on me. I looked around and saw shocked and jealous faces.

Oh god...

This is a different feeling...

After they finished the song, they walked over to me. One by one, they hugged me. I heard whispers. I chose to try to ignore them. Dean's hug was the best out of the 5 of them.

If people start to think...

I'm dating one of them...

How should I handle that?

I've never thought about this.

I was sad when he let me go. I hugged him. He started holding me closer to him.

"Awww! How cute!"

Dean backed away and stepped on Carlos' foot. They had to go do an interview with Melly Dawn. Dean sat on the side, I was facing. They weren't asked anything about me. I felt off.

Why do I feel like this?

This is all strange.

Did I want them to talk about me?

We went to a restaurant right after the show. We sat at a huge booth table.




I felt something touching me. I looked down and saw Dean's hand on my thigh. My eyes widened.

Was Sherry right?

Is he into me??

My heart started racing for a third time. I tried to distract myself by looking at the menu. We ordered drinks then he started squeezing my thigh. I started biting my tongue while trying to keep a straight face.

Our drinks came then we ordered food. Dean started moving his hand up and down my thigh. He eventually moved his hand to start eating.

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