Chapter 10

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Calista's POV
The way they're meet and greets go is like this, there's one group photo then individual ones. The person picks who they want in the individual. So...they pick their favorite member basically.

This one little girl was all over them. When she was getting rushed, Dean told them to leave her alone. She was showing them, the shirt she made. They all took pictures of it.

"This is so adorable!"

"Thank you! I couldn't afford an actual shirt..."


Poor girl.

Dean looked upset.

"Oh no. Really? Let's get you some then. See the pretty girl over there?"

He pointed at me.

"That's my friend Calista. She'll take you to get some. Then, I want you to come back and show me what you got."

Her face lit up.

"Really?! You mean it?!"


I crouched down and the little girl ran up to me.

"Hi! I'm Natasha!"

"Hi. I'm Calista. It's nice to meet you. Let's go get you some merch."

I stood up.

"Dean? What do I do if, I get yelled at?"

"Show them your pass. Get her whatever she wants. Oh! Get her a poster and get me a marker."

I nodded. I held her hand and was started looking for the merch booth. We found it and there was no line. Natasha stood on her toes and put her hands on the counter and started trying to pull herself up.

"Here. Let me help."

I picked her up.

"Dean said, I can get whatever I want."

The employee looked at me.

"It's true."

I held up my pass.

"Oh okay. What would you like?"

She started pointing.

"Oh and a poster and marker please. I'll bring it back."

She picked up a poster and a marker. She put it on the counter.

"What sizes would you like?"

"Can I suggest something?"

Natasha nodded.

"Get a bigger size so, when you get older it'll fit and get one you'll fit into now."


She picked out a few things.

"Is that all?"

She took a minute to look around again.

"Can I have a dog tag necklace too?"

"Sure. Do you want a Dean one or a group one."

"There's more than one?"

"How many of these do you have?"

"Oh god. I can't even count. Here. She can have one of each."

Everything was put into bags.

"Yay! Thank you!"

"Do you want to go put on a shirt now or stay in this one?"

"Hmmmmm....I can put one over this right? So I don't lose it?"

"You can do that. I like that idea. I've done it."

I put her down and we walked back to everyone. We walked back in and saw girls I was friends with standing with everyone.

It's okay.

You're okay.

Natasha ran up to Dean.

"I'm back!"

He crouched down. He hugged her.

"Hi! What did you get?"

I walked up to desk and put the bags down. She started taking things out of the bag.

"Did they give you any problems?"

"Nope! Callie showed them her pass!"

He started smiling.

"Awesome! Did you get the poster too?"


She pulled out the poster and marker. He stood up and put the poster against the wall. He used his elbow to hold the poster. He opened the marker and signed the poster.

"You guys wanna sign too?"

The girls I was friends with, looked shocked.

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