Chapter 42

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                                 Dean's POV
"You still haven't found her?!"

Next thing I knew, me and Sherry were on a plane. We were going to a different country. An FBI agent brought us to where the other agents were. We walked in and we were brought to a room. Sherry was only able to stay for a week.

"I'll let you know right away when they find her."

"You better. I still trust you."

I waited in my nice hotel room. I couldn't stop looking at Calista's clothes in my bag. I started needing to use her fidget toys. I went days without enough sleep. I was tossing and turning.

Then the day came. They had found her. I was picked up then brought to where she was going to be. I paced around the room. I kept using her fidget toy.


I spun around and saw her running to me. I ran up to her. She threw herself into my arms.

"BABY! Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"No. I'm fine. I-I'm shaken up but...I'm okay."

"I-I gotta call your sister. I promised her, I'd call when they found you."

"Dean? My dad's dead."

"Oh god. I'm so sorry."

I called Sherry. I handed the phone to Calista. I saw she had a cut on her head.

"Dad's dead. Yeah. I'm okay. I was out before it happened."

When I was allowed to bring her to the hotel, she ran to the bathroom and started to shower. I grabbed some clothes then brought them into the bathroom. She walked out of the bathroom and she was dressed.

"Ah. That felt so good."

She walked up to the bed then jumped onto it.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

She sat up.


"Wait really?"

"I kinda feel bad. He just wanted to be with me. Yet again...he DID kidnap me and drag my ass all the way to a different country. And I DID tell him, I'd go anywhere with him. I was panicking as me I didn't want to die. I had a gun pointed at me."

"How did you get that cut?"

"I ran. I actually ran around screaming for help."

We were up for hours talking about everything. I stayed up and watched her sleep. I moved hair out of her face. She looked peaceful.

"I know you're awake, D."

"Yeah. I figured. I'm just worried about you having a bad dream or needing me in the middle of the night."

She opened her eyes.

"Lay down. I can obviously wake you up. Dean, you look exhausted. I can hear it in your voice too."

"Okay. Okay. You win."

I laid down.

"I'm fine. It's some tiny cuts. I'm not that scarred. He didn't assault me in any way. He gave me food. He gave me water. I had a place to sleep."

"I failed you though."

"Why do you think that?"

"I could've protected you."

"You don't know that love. He would've figured out some other way. There's no reason to blame yourself. He had his ways. Relax. Go to sleep. I'm back. I'm gonna annoy you during school now."


"Wow. You want that to happen?"

"You annoy me and I'll annoy you."

"Sounds good. Shut your damn eyes and go to sleep now Dean."

I yawned into my hand. She squeezed my face.

The fuck is she doin'?

"Aww. You look like a lil fishy now."

"Let me go."


She let go of my face. She kissed my forehead.

"Go to sleep or I'm sleeping on the couch."

"You wouldn't."

"Try me."

"Okay. Now you've done it."


I got on top of her and started kissing her.

"W-what're we doing here?"

I didn't answer her and started kissing her neck.

"D-Dean? W-what did I do?"

"You don't even know? Wow."

I explained what she did.

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