London Bridges~ Edited Aug 28, 2023

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Her 'mother' continued to protest, her voice filled with desperation and a hint of fear. "How can you say such a thing, Jade? We've raised you, loved you, cared for you all these years!"

But Jade's eyes had been opened, and she could no longer ignore the truth that stared her in the face. The pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place, revealing a picture she had never anticipated. She had been living a lie, a carefully constructed facade that was now crumbling before her eyes. As reality sank in, Jade's emotions swirled, a whirlwind of confusion, anger, and sadness. 

She felt a profound sense of loss, mourning the family she thought she had, while simultaneously grappling with the unknown. Who were her real parents? Why had she been kept in the dark?

"And you're not applying to that school because there's no such thing as magic... Witches and wizards, yeah right!" her 'mother' added to try to reclaim some sense of authority over her. 

Jade's eyes, once warm and gentle, now burned with a cold, icy fury. With a swift movement, she snapped her gaze up and locked it onto the woman standing before her. The intensity of her glare was enough to send shivers down anyone's spine.

"You're lying," Jade said, her voice dripping with darkness and suspicion. She took a moment to collect herself, her breaths sharp and shallow. 

"Wha-" the woman began to speak, but Jade cut her off abruptly, her words laced with anger. 

"SHUT THE HELL UP!" she shouted, her voice echoing through the room. The force of her outburst was palpable, sending shockwaves through the air.

"In fact, stop talking to me!" Jade's words were sharp and final, leaving no room for argument. She raised her hand, palm facing the woman as a clear signal of silence.

Lucius, perched on the rooftop, observed the unfolding events with a smirking expression, resembling someone engrossed in a captivating television drama. As Jade withdrew her hand, an astonishing transformation occurred – Mrs. Green's face was devoid of a mouth. Despite this unsettling sight, Jade appeared too consumed by anger to take notice. 

Her gaze locked onto Mr. Green, and with unwavering determination, she demanded, "Now look at me and tell me the damned truth!"

"What gave you the idea we weren't your parents?" He asked instead of answering right away. 

Jade walked towards the kitchen to make tea to calm her anger to a small degree. "Remember at the zoo, when you asked if I wanted to see the reptiles?" She questioned. 

He nodded then she explained how she met Nagini, without revealing her name. The question hung in the air, causing a tense moment between them. Jade, feeling a surge of frustration, decided to take a moment to collect her thoughts. She walked towards the kitchen, her steps heavy with a mix of anger and confusion. Making a cup of tea seemed like the only way to calm herself down, even if only to a small degree. As the kettle whistled and steam rose from the cup, Jade turned to face him. 

She could see the concern etched on his face, but it was not enough to quell her mounting emotions. Taking a deep breath, she mustered the courage to address the question that had been lingering between them.

"The snake told me I was not a Green, then today I received a letter from a school saying I've been accepted to a school I didn't apply for and Mr. Malfoy, he was kind enough to come to America and explain everything to two... no, three people he's never met about a world we'd have never known about without this!" She said slamming the letter on the kitchen table. 

Lucius couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction as he let out a small smirk to himself. The thought that ran through his mind was one of determination and a hint of self-assurance. 

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