|| Shadows Haunt Everybody ||

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|| Padme's POV ||

Too soon, they arrived at Yavin too soon. Padme could feel her pulse rising as the ship made its descend.

Anakin was holding both twins, looking at them, absorbing all their features like he believed it would be the last time he would get to do so.

Padme felt helpless as she watched him kiss them both on the top of their heads before reluctantly offer them to her.

If he noticed her inner panic, he didn't let on, his face was like a grim solider ready to face a battle he knew he wouldn't return from.

It was heartbreaking. Padme wanted to reassure him, wanted to tell him that it was all going to be ok.

But if she was honest, she didn't know, she had no way of knowing if Obiwan would cut Anakin up the moment he saw him, only her faith in the Jedi Master had her dear hope he wouldn't.

She was putting too much faith in him.

While the ship docked Padme took Leia, leaving Luke in his fathers arms.

Anakin's face lightened until he met her eyes and swallowed. "Your leaving him with me because your not sure the person who's out their meeting us won't kill me".

The statement was true, too true and Padme found herself unable to look him in the eye.

"I think it will help sell our case."

She'd neither confirmed his suspicions nor denied. That seemed to be an answer enough for Anakin.

He knew her better than she knew herself and until recently that thought was the most delightful thing in the world. Now, it frightened her.

His eyes remained at her piercing at her as if he were demanding her to answer his question. However he never voiced what his eyes were so badly demanding.

He didn't dare, or didn't want to know.

Clearing her throat Padme made herself look at him, truly look at him and offered him a small smile, letting her hope shine through.

"I'll exit the ship first."

Anakin merely nodded before he returned her smile, it didn't quite catch his eyes.


Yavin was a miserable planet, Padme found that out the second she stepped onto the ramp.

The climate was humid and the landscape only had one word to describe it. Dull. Headachingly, unworthy of mentioning, utterly dull.

Fortunately Obiwans voice distracted her from the depressing planet.

"Padme, I'm happy to see you alive and well".

Obiwans brown robe swayed in the light wind, his hair longer and shabbier than she'd last seen it, and big dark circles framed his eyes.

Although his obvious exhaustion he smiled up at her his eyes twinkling with sincerity, as he opened up his arms to offer her a hug.

"Too long, it's been Obiwan" Padme voiced making her way to him, making sure not to trip on the rocks.

"Indeed". Obiwan closed his arms before Padme could reach his embrace, subtly he positioned his feet in a stance and hovered his hand over his belt, his face suddenly grim.

Any normal person wouldn't have noticed the change in his deminar. It was so subtle so slow, it was enough to remind her that there was infact a Jedi Knight infront of her.

Obiwan's gaze was no longer on her, it went to the ramp, focused and brutal.

Padme gulped, this could only mean one thing. He felt him, and if Obiwan could feel Anakin, Anakin could probably....

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