|| The Coldness of ones Heart ||

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"Obiwan" Anakin called as he ran into a large room.
"He's not here" a voice called making Anakin stop. Despite the situation he grinned.

"Satine your looking well for someone who's supposedly dead"

The Duchess face remained stonic, reminding Anakin of Padme when she was queen, before she said, "Anakin your looking less evil for someone who's supposedly Vader"

Gulping Anakin averted his gaze, he should have seen that coming, if there was anyone with a quicker wit than Padme it was Satine, probably why they would be excellent friends.

Ashoka and Padme came running in, Padme dropping into a bow the moment she saw Satine.

"Please that is not necessary from you I am just happy to see you well." Satine commented, walking up to Padme who smiled her eyes gleaming as the two got caught up in conversation.

Lux walked up to Ashoka his hands in his pockets, he seemed nervous.

"Ashoka I didn't-" she held up her hand silencing him. Anakin really shouldn't be eavesdropping but he admired the amount of control his old padawan had over Lux.

Clearing his throat he faced Padme and Satine both of which were looking worried.

"Ah.. as lovely as it is to see you alive and not 6 feet under..." Anakin started earning a hard look from Padme.

"What?!" He replied to her look, "You faked your death too!"

Padme rolled her eyes however Satines stonic expression twitched the slightest bit as if she wanted to smile, instead she look at Anakin expectingly.

"Obiwan! He's been kidnapped by your sister... we're kinda on a time limit here."

Satine looked at Anakin for a moment longer before turning around and facing Padme.

Feeling angry that he was being ignored Anakin walked up to her, "uh didn't you care for Obiwan?"

"That man is a Baffoon." Satine stated before saying to Padme "where were we?"

Padme opened her mouth until she saw the look in Anakins eyes, was he the only one concerned for Obiwan?

"Tell me Satine, so I won't have to see that expression on his face all evening."

Satine sighed before she turned to face Anakin. "Your friend has been kidnapped by my sister, why? Because she believes you are evil despite our intell, she will not harm him, believe me, however we have no idea where she is holding him, she's being annoying and going against my orders so be it, she is waiting for you to make your move so she can use Obiwan as a bargaining chip. We have no choice but to wait, if Obiwan is as smart as he claims he will not die, have faith in him. And if your wondering about my feelings on this situation I am furious."

Several moments passed where she stared at him expectingly, finally she said "did you get that?"

Swallowing Anakin nodded his brain hardwiring. "Good" Satine said before she turned to Padme, calling over her shoulder, "it's getting late why don't you go back to your chambers Skywalker.. your wife will be with you shortly"

Still a little shocked all Anakin did was nod he turned around, by the sounds of Padmes and Staines conversation it seemed she would not be back soon,

But that was not the biggest issue on Anakins mind, Obiwan was, despite the Dutchesses words he did not believe her, he would find Obiwan himself and save him if that's what it took.

As Anakin snuck out of the castle and onto an unknown planet he thought back to the last time he had seen Satine.

She had been more friendly than this version of the woman, when had she grown so cold?
"Where do you think your going?" Ashoka stood in front of the exit to the base her hands crossed and a scowl on her face.

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