|| Relationships that may not last ||

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Padme rested her head on Anakin's shoulder, the ship was silent and neither had spoken since she had cried on him.

She didn't mention it, and Anakin was kind enough not to do so either.

Vader would not have been, he would have laughed at Padme.

He would have killed you.

Padme swallowed, her mind often did this when she thought of Anakin now. She always thought of what Vader would have done-

She squeezed her eyes and slowly lifted her head.

Anakin stiffened as if he knew what she was about to say, as if somehow deep down he was able to read her on another level.

"I've been avoiding you." It was the simple truth. She did not have explain to him why, he knew.

Anakin lightly touched his  shoulder as if he wanted her head back there but then met her gaze and removed his hand instantly.

"I know."

She fiddled with a strand of hair.. she had to be honest even if it hurt him.

"It would be easier to just cut you off.. to run away.. to never have to see you again.. but..."

Anakin interrupted her "you have my children." She saw it, the devastation in his eyes at the thought of them being taken away from him.

Despite all he had done as Vader all the crimes and unthinkable acts he had committed. Padme could not take them away from him, she did not have it in her.

Maybe she was too soft.

She shook her head. "No.."

The devastation in his eyes lessened, ever so slightly, Padme could not help but feel a little bit happy for how much he cared for the twins. Despite only having known them for a small time.

She had been right, he would make a wonderful father, she just hoped they could somehow work past this so that he would get the chance to.

"If I did not love you." She finally finished, she saw it, the hope, it shone in his face, it was almost bright enough to give her hope.

But she shook her head, dimming that hope.

"I can learn to not love you, i think. It would be hard and painful maybe even more so painful than what I am feeling currently.. but I am strong."

Anakin's voice broke.. as he seemed to realise.. what? Padme did not know.


He was begging her. But she did not even know herself what she wanted. How her future would look, would it be with or without him?

"Anakin I don't-"

Her voice caught and she could not speak anymore. But he seemed to understand he leaned his forehead on hers and closed his eyes.

She watched him as he spoke, "whatever you decide Padme. If you choose a life without me and all my baggage I do not blame you. Know that. Just make your desiscion knowing my heart will always be yours, it belongs to no one else and never will."

"Anakin." She tried to say but he was not done.

"Take as long as you need..." his forehead was still against hers, "i can not imagine what I'm putting you through with my past. I know it is horrific, it causes me such agony that it is hurting you, even more agony than it already causes myself."

And then he slowly began to stand up.

Padme did not know what to do.. all she knew was that he was leaving. And she did not want him to.

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