|| The Tides of War ||

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A manic laugh vibrated through the room, causing Obiwan to freeze.

It was like moving through honey.

One moment Satine was infront of him, skin translucent in the fluorescent light, hair escaping its intricate prison within its blue headpeace, lips as plump and as soft as he remembered-

The next those berry stained lips burst opened, a silent gasp escaping them like a curse.

Except it wasn't a curse, it was so much worse.

He felt it through the tremors of the ground as she collapsed, heard the thump in his heart, the imagery imprinted in his mind-

The scream that tore from him was so predatory, so animalistic he didn't recognise it as his own.

Not as ran to her- the light that was so prominent in her eye, the glow so effortlessly in her skin, slowly dimming as he scooped up her fragile body, knowing it would do nothing to save her in the moment she needed it most.

Eyes of glaciers and the bottom of a cruel, ocean met his, although they held not fear or pain, but contentment.

Evidence of his own pain traced down his cheeks, like sprinkles of truth. Demonstrating everything he had been foolishly hiding from her for so long.

Her lip, a hue of blue, lifted into a weak smirk as she brought her trembling hand to his flat hair.

He held her closer, sobs racking his body uncontrollably as he tried to will her to live, will the force to give her enough time-

She spoke, her voice withering painfully with every word.

"Remember, my dear Obiwan. I loved you. Always. I always will...."

They hit him like spikes to the heart, wrenching it out of his chest and dying with her in his arms.

He gasped for the breath, the ability to speak his truth to her, before it was too late.. his words branding him like he was handing her parts of his soul alongside them.

"Had you said the word. I would have left the Jedi Order."

He spoke his truth, knowing it would bring nothing to any of them but regret. Spoke them while the last desperate strings of hope in his heart died.

Her eyes grew motionless as Obiwan collapsed within himself, his last words never heard by her.

"I would have done anything for you."

Obiwan woke up in a cold sweat. Heart pounding as he stared at the walls around him his condemned words buzzing in his ears.

They echoed around him, like an unpleasant song reminding him of the empty promise he had made her on her death bed.

Foolish, he had been foolish to fall asleep while in a state as vulnerable as this.

Now he was forced to reflect on his dream, so like the ones that had plagued him before he had learned of Satines survival...

And yet different.

He assumed it a blessing, that before today, he had always awoken after Satines death, before he had admitted his one weakness to her fresh corpse.

Squeezing his eyes shut he was barely aware of the pounding that had began at his door.

Allowing himself  another moment to compose his expression, he called for the person to enter.

His heart splintering within his chest.

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