Dawn of the Long Night

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On the year of the Long Night, Westeros and Essos turned into a second darkness. Now the race of men are attacking the White Walkers, the Wights fighting one-on-one. But until the Last Hero rides into the North of Westeros comes to find a hope. Some say the legends found by the Old Gods, that they made, long ago. But there is one... Alien Ship crashed to the north. The Last Hero spokes and hears "Hello! It is I... The Last Hero, we came for your help. Is anyone there?" He said, and the Alien awakes, disturbing the Last Hero and the alien was Cybertronian, his name was Thunderhowl speaking to the Last Hero "Who comes to my ship?" Thunderhowl said."I am The Last Hero," he spoke in a deep booming voice, "I come from far away, but I need you and your kind's help!" The Last Hero said.Thunderhowl looked at him with his darkness world and he made a creation "I will give you a special tool..." He said, and Thunderhowl holds the weapons known as the Dragonsteel, given by the Last Hero "The sword is yours to command." Thunderhowl said to Last Hero "One day... the light will shine upon the faces of the world" And now... Thunderhowl and the Last Hero join their Cybertronian Knights fighting upon their victory, The race of men saw the Last Hero holds the Dragonsteel to fight the Night Walkers and the Cybertronian Knights fight together to stand in Westeros.In the dark night sky... the White Walkers were retreat. Now the Cybertronians were once united with the First Men, along with Giants, except the Children of The Forest, they turned enemies, and Cybertronian Knights along Thunderhowl made... Thunderhowlers, Cybertronian Knights of House Stark.

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