The Long Night

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The Battle of Winterfell begins. Rodimus leds the Thunderhowlers to become a blockade, then the Unsullied Army led by Rhaegal and Drogon joins in as well, now the Dothrakis holds the hooked swords with the help of a witchcraft Melisandre. Rodimus rides a fire hoverboard with two flame sabers. He landed him and bow to Melisandre for help "I will lead the attack Melisandre, I am the fire of my fire" he said to her. Now Melisandre holds the swords and speaking her Valyrian language. The Dothrakis ignited thier swords into fire. And Rodimus activates his flame sabers and heading back to the wall. Wheeljack nods his face and the Thunderhowlers prepares their turrets in the walls of Winterfell. "Let's see this crazy-ass works. Dothraki!" Rodimus shouts to all Dothraki "Hajas!" He shouts, And the Dothraki charge to fight the White Walkers and Wights. The flaming catapults rose to hit the armies of the White Walkers and Wights on the ground. At the mountain, Daenerys and Jon saw the Dothraki charge except the Unsullied and Thunderhowlers were halt to defend in Winterfell. Jon Snow was about to order them to join the battle but he stoped seeing a strange sight. A Dothraki army marching to the WIghts by the Fire and the swords were fading away. All of Dothraki are dead, Rodimus gasps and Bumblebee thinks what is going on "What's happening out there?!" He said "The Dothraki didn't made it" Rodimus said "Should I describe it to you. Should I activate the turrets?" Wheeljack request permission to Rodimus and he laughs. The armies went silenced and Dothrakis are fading away because of the Wights. But Ser Jorah retreat the armies and they're coming closer. But, Rodimus heard a rumble of thunder in the blizzard and some Wights were arrived in the blizzard storm led the Night King. The Thunderhowlers prepare their swords and Thunderhowl his leader, join with Rodimus with this attack. The snow drops in WInterfell by a wind blasting in the air. The people are sheltered in the caves along with Sideswipe and Windblade defending the people. Rodimus activates his flame sabers. The Wights were stomping the feet to wait the attack. "Dovaogedy!" Rodimus shouts his Valyrian word to the Unsullied to sharpen the spears. The Knights were ready to fire the turrets from the Wights. But one knight was accidently blast the turrets from the Wights and blow away. Rodimus shouts to all "Kelītīs!" they halt the armies and the Wights were getting ready the attack. Wights are roaring and growling. And the Night King reach the spear and begun the attack. All of Wights are running fasts into the plains of Winterfell. "So it begins" Thunderhowl activate his battle mask in his face. Rodimus shouts to all Knights "rhaenagon naejot perzys!" (Ready to Fire!) the turrets rotating to focus firing on the Wights. Wheeljack command the Knights to said "The guns is bigger than arrows, kill them all!" "VALAR MORGHULIS!" Rodimus shouts and the Knights begin their battle. The turrets firing the Wights, the Unsullied using the spear to block the walls of Winterfell like a thorny fence. The Wights were getting close to the walls of Winterfell. The Thunderhowlers use giant swords slashing the Wights to defend Winterfell. The Wight got stabbed by the Thunderhowlers and Thunderhowlers swing their swords onto the Wights. The Wights were breaking through the walls of Winterfell and attacking the people. The Wights holds the tall ladders to reach Winterfell and Rodimus shouts "Ladders!" He commanded the Unsullied to hold the ladder and stand on the wall and defend the people inside. The Wights were climbing up the ladder and attacked the knights of the wall. The Wights were trying to break the wall with the ladders. "Thunderhowlers! Swords, spears! Kill them!" Rodimus screams and the Thunderhowlers are attacking the wall of Winterfell. And the Unsullied were fighting the Wights together with the Thunderhowlers. And the Night King began to attack the wall. Bumblebee and Wheeljack are keep fighting with gravity blades and energy stingers. Bumblebee kills two wights "Wheeljack! I got two!" He said "I got twenty-seven!" Wheeljack smiles that he reach his kill count record "HUH!? I HAVE NO POINTY-EAR WITHOUT SCORING US!" Punch Counterpunch shouts along with Wallflower Blush, Sunset Shimmer, Sci Twi and Fluttershy use their swords to slash the Wights together. The Knights of the Wall killed more Wights. The Wights were getting on the walls of Winterfell. The Wights were climbing the walls and attacked the people. The people began to get panicky and ran away from the walls. Rodimus fights along with Beric Dondarrion with their Flaming Swords slashing and killing the wights. The Thunderhowlers keeps fighting and firing from the turrets. The Wights were getting closer to the walls and Bumblebee is reaching his kill count "Twenty-one! Twenty-Two! Twenty-Three!..." Bumblebee counted his kills and the people begin to run away from the walls. The Wights kept breaking through the walls and attacked the people. Then Bumblebee saw the White Walkers entering the gates of Winterfell! "Brace the gate! Drogon, Rhaegal! Dracarys!" Bee shouts and the two dragons rescue to stop the wights by the command words riding with Daenerys and Jon Snow. The White Walkers were getting closer to the walls of Winterfell. The Wights were moving fast and pushing the people to run away. The people began to panic and ran away. And the White Walkers were getting closer to the walls of Winterfell. Rodimus saw the Night King brought a bomb inside the sewers of the wall! "Bombs!" Rodimus gasps "Get the people out of here!" He shouted to the people. "We can't leave them! We must defend!" The people began to run away. Bumblebee still keeps fighting and holding the ladder. Now the Night King rodes undead Viserion blasted into the bombs and all of them are take cover! The bombs exploded and the wights are blown away. But, Bumblebee sees the Night King "They've been breached! Rodimus!" Bumblebee lifts Rodimus' shoulder for stand up. the Wights enters to Winterfell, Rodimus shouts the Thunderhowlers "Fire!" He shouts and the arrows flying to the wights to kill! The Wights got hit by the arrows. The White Walkers came to Rodimus and his army begins their battle inside over Winterfell. He charge his battle, he kills every Wights by using flame sabers from this death! Then, Sideswipe rescues and forming a tornado slicer killing the Wights from head to body. Bumblebee went on a shield surfing onto the stairs. He keeps eletrocuted the Wights and the Equestria Girls: Sunset Shimmer, Sci Twi and Fluttershy along with Punch Counterpunch and Wallflower Blush fight together! They stab the Wights, the Wights are getting injured by the weapons. "Rodimus, fall back to Winterfell! get out of there!" Thunderhowl shouts to Rodimus. And the Thunderhowlers are keep fighting the Wights together. The Thunderhowlers fought the Wights until they became exhausted. "That's enough! To the keep!" Bumblebee shout the Unsullied and the Thundrhowlers incluing the Stark soldiers are retreating to Winterfell "Fall back to the Keep! Beric!" Rodimus scream to Beric Dondarrion he keeps fighting with his flaming sword and he saw Rodimus "To the Keep!" He said again. When they arrive at Winterfell, they saw that the Wights are marching to the doors of Winterfell. Beric keeps running, but the White Walkers stab Beric and pierced him with ice spears. "NO!" Rodimus shouted and runs to save him. The White Walkers stab Beric with ice spears and the White Walkers smiled evilly. Rodimus fights courageously, he flare up the White Walkers and they move back. Rodimus holds the body of Beric and he touch his hand for his last word "You will lead them, Rodimus. My Firelord" his last words his taken by the White Walkers. And all of Winterfell seen the White Walkers approaching the door of Winterfell. The people ran away from the battle. And the White Walkers entered Winterfell and destroyed everything. Rodimus goes on rage, and he has an infinite inferno by the Flame Sabers firing the Wights away! "DO NOT LET ME SUFFER" He screams to the Thunderhowlers as he charges against the White Walkers. He uses his flame sabers to kill the Wights. After a few hours, Daenerys and Jon Snow along with Drogon and Rhaegal fighting over Winterfell. But the dragons fell under his undead Viserion fighting each other. Daenerys and Jon were hurt and Rodimus shouts "Dany, Jon! Get out of there!" But, then the White Walkers entered Winterfell. "THEY'RE ALIVE! THEY'RE STILL IN THERE!" Rodimus shouted "Daenerys! Jon, GET OUT OF HERE!" Wheeljack shouts and the two were retreat except Drogon and Rhaegal fighting Viserion. "DANY!" Sideswipe holds the rope to Jon Snow to lift up into the wall. "Jon!" Wheeljack said "Do not let go of me!" Jon grabs the rope and climbs up. He felt dizzy "Come on, come on, I'm right here!" Rodimus grab his hand to Jon and Daenerys "Winterfell is broken through! The fortress is breached! Retreat!" Ser Jorah shouts to Rodimus and Sunset Shimmer. The Night King is getting closer to the walls of Winterfell. "Retreat!" Rodimus shouts to the Unsullied and the Thunderhowlers. Windblade gasps and she saw Arya was worrying about her. Rodimus and the Equestria Girls gathering all this to block the gate. "The fortress is taken. It is over!" Rodimus said to Jon "You said this defenses are stronger while Thunderhowlers came! You refuge me! They sacrifice to defending it!" Jon said, and the White Walkers banging the gate, the people were scared that there is no hope. The White Walkers captured the Unsullied, the Wights were taking down the Thunderhowlers and the Wights are in the city. "It's over, Jon. We lost." Daenerys said to Jon "There's no other way for the women and children to get out of the tunnels. There is no other way!" Jon said, but Wheeljack has another "There is one passage. The Kappa Supreme will work, but they will not get further the Wights are too many!" "We have no choice!" Jon said "Send word to the Women and Children for the floating ship, and barricade the gates!" "So much death, what can men do against such reckless hate?" Rodimus don't know another way but there is another "Fight out with me! Fight out and stab them!" Jon said to Rodimus "For death and glory?" Rodimus reply "For Winterfell. For our people" He said "Winter is Coming" Sideswipe said from his motto and he found Sunstreaker's hope: Glory! "Look to my coming, on the sunrise after the Long Night falls, look to the east" Sunstreaker said from his mind and Rodimus knows about this "Yes... yes. The Horns of Winter. Shall sound in the deep! One last fucking time!" Sandor Clegane said to Greyworm "YES!" He holds the spear "Let this be the hour, when we draw swords together!" Rodimus said to Jon and he's ready. The Equestria Girls prepare the Horns of Winter and Rodimus along with Thunderhowl for the stand "Winter is Coming! Now for wrath, now for ruin, and the sun rises!" Thunderhowl activate his face plate and the Equestria Girls blown the horns. Now the Wights breaks the gate and ready for the charge "FORTH TARGARYENS!" Thunderhowl shouts the Knights of Cybertron "CHARGE!" The Thunderhowlers screams and running fast to the Wights and the Wights are getting close to the Thunderhowlers and Thunderhowlers blow the horn of winter and they surrounded with fire and blast the Wights away and the Equestria Girls blew the Horns of Winter blowing a storm of ice and snow. The Thunderhowlers slash the Wights and Rodimus slashes again. Now after they reach to the walls. And Sideswipe and Daenerys saw Sunstreaker's arrival at sunrise "Vēsperzys" She whispers. And Sunstreaker saw the Battle of Winterfell is coming "Daenerys Stormborn stands alone" Then, Dragonicus came for refuge "Were not alone! GUARDIAN KNIGHTS!" He shouts and 200 Guardian Knights arrives to Winterfell and Thunderhowl see his brother arrives "Dragonicus!" he smiles "VALAR MORGHULIS!" He shouts and transforms into dragons. The Guardian Knights blast the Wights and blows them away. "RAPIDO MORTEM!" The Guardian Knights shouted. The White Walkers got stunned and they fall down. The Wights were getting tired. Sideswipe shouts the return of Sunstreaker himself "GLORY TO SUNSTREAKER! GLORY TO SUNSTREAKER!" Thunderhowl smiles that thier brothes returns. But Dragonicus landed and Sunstreaker hugs Sideswipe for his return "I'm glad that you came!" He said, then the undead Viserion arrives flying to Winterfell "I have to cure. Here a gift from Knights!" Sunstreaker grab the antidote spear to Viserion from Sideswipe and hold it. Sunstreaker grabs his hand to ride Dragonicus "You have to lure Viserion back to normal! Dragonicus, sovetes!" Sunstreaker shout to Dragonicus and he's going to fly to Viserion "Rybas!" Sideswipe shouts his Valyrian word "Udrizi Valyrio?" Sunstreaker said "Kessa!" Sideswipe smiles and he's ready for the target of Viserion. Sideswipe throws the spear and Viserion went impaled. He went on a crash landing. Drogon and Rhaegal see the works of Viserion back to normal. The Girls blew the horn of winter and all of the Wights are getting blown away. The Unsullied and the Thunderhowlers are getting close to the gate. Ser Jorah shouts and he chants "Rally to Me! To me!" And now the blast of winter and Jorah dodges him. The Night King almost arrive to Bran Stark in the Weirwood Tree, but Windblade halt him and she wears her mask "I will kill you if you touch him!" Windblade said angrily but the Night King was speechless. Now she activates her Stormfall Sword duel by the Night King. And the two are ready to fight. The Unsullied and the Thunderhowlers help the Girls in their fight. In the middle of the battle, Windblade keeps slashing Night King's sword. He use his leg to slip Windblade's leg and he chokes herself, Windblade grunts her pain. And then Arya Stark stabs the Night King by non-Valyrian steel on his feet. Windblade fells down and stand up and she removes her mask. And the Night King saw Arya Stark for the final stand "I am no one!" She screams and stabs the Night King by Valyrian Dagger. The Night King fades into icy dust along with White Walkers and WIghts turns fading out. Windblade and Arya were both tired and sitting on a snowy ground. "That was badass" She said to Windblade "No, kick-ass" She smiles. Daenerys along with Drogon and Rhaegal seeing Viserion turns his blue eyes to normal. Dany was happy that Viserion returns from the cure. Ser Jorah survives with the help of Rodimus and Wheeljack. Thunderhowl met Dragonicus and they hugged together "Welcome back, brother" Dragonicus said to Thunderhowl "Thank you for your help" He said. "And thank you for being here until the end" Thunderhowl smiles. Sunstreaker arrives to Daenerys holding Viserion's head "Thank you, Sunstreaker" Daenerys said "I'm glad that you came" Daenerys said to Sunstreaker "Yes. But I'm no longer a Targaryen. I'm Sunstreaker Sunfyre, founder of the House Sunfyre" Now the Guardian Knights made a banner of House Sunfyre, A Golden Dragon on a black field holding a wine glass. "We are the greatest allies of House Targaryen" Sunstreaker said and Dragonicus, Steelbane and Stormreign greets Daenerys and she turns happy to him. "Loyalty is important to me, Sunstreaker Sunfyre. With you by my side, I will be able to secure the rule of the Seven Kingdoms and make them great again." Daenerys hugs to Sunstreaker. And now Winterfell turns in peace once again. But this chapter was not over.

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